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Author Topic: Kingdom of God - of the heavens  (Read 24388 times)

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John from Kentucky

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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #60 on: February 10, 2015, 06:56:34 PM »

Sex and love has nothing to do with the definition of marriage. Nothing to do with it and I’m going to prove it to you. So What is marriage? We are going to find out. Get ready for a revelation, because this may not all be what you think it is.

The above is a direct quote from Ray's Feb 2007 bible study on marriage.  Again maybe some should study that bible study again.

There you go again .  You say that, "the Scripture are clear that sex outside of marriage is wrong."  Of course.  When did I ever say that sex outside of marriage, in this age, is O.K.?  Can you produce a direct quote from me that I ever said such nonsense?  If not, please do not imply that I did.

Again, my belief on sex in the age to come is, "I do not know".  There are not two Scriptures that discuss it.

What I object to in this thread are people who speculate about scriptural things but who do not provide two scriptures to support their opinion.  Instead that do Scripture dumps of Scriptures not directly on point and think they are making some profound statement.  I object to the mishandling of Scriptures.


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #61 on: February 10, 2015, 07:25:18 PM »


 ;D ;D ;D ;D  Also, you are being dishonest. 

J from K, the dictionary meaning of dishonest is as followed, dishonest >adjective not honest, trustworthy, or sincere. 

You should choose your words more carefully when speaking to a believer in Christ, I don’t believe that definition fits Kat in anyway.

We all are subjected to error but to accuse Kat of not being sincere or not being honest is just outright wrong.

What’s up with the character assassination on a sister in the LORD may I ask.  :(


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2015, 07:38:40 PM »

So let me see John... you say "That is true" about Jesus stating that they will not marry in the next age. You also agree that  "of course" that sex outside of marriage is wrong... "for this age," but then you come back and say you don't know.  But somehow in your not knowing you seem (just my observation, I don't want to put words in your mouth) to have limited sex being wrong outside of marriage to this age. Certainly that is just your opinion... so is what we are discussing... our opinions. But you are objecting to our opinions, because you see us as "unlearned and ignorant of the Scriptures" .... and that is your opinion too.

mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 07:44:13 PM by Kat »

John from Kentucky

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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #63 on: February 10, 2015, 08:09:54 PM »

I'm bored with all this sex talk. 

I'm outa of here to do something way more important---cheer on my beloved KY Wildcats basketball team.  8)

Kat, there are multiple Scriptures that forbids sex outside of marriage in this age.  I agree with the Scriptures.

I don't know of two Scriptures that discuss sex in the age to come.  Therefore, I have no opinion on that matter because of my respect for the Scriptures.  I think I've said that three or four times.  ::)  End of story.

I go where the two witnesses direct.


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #64 on: February 10, 2015, 10:19:21 PM »

Those who have formed a conclusion on this matter are ignorant of the Scriptures because they cannot quote at least two Scriptures that directly backs up their opinion.

This question regarding sex does not offend me.  In fact, I am bored with the discussion.

What is offensive are those who have formed unscriptural opinions and cannot produce two witnesses in support of their opinions.  They think having a cheerleading section backs up unscriptural opinions.  Blind leading the blind.

Well, since John has bowed out of the discussion, I'd like to point out to anyone else reading now or in the future that some things in the scriptures must be deduced. There is not chapter and verse on every single detail about anything.  I've had to learn--and recently been reminded of that on this very thread.  For example, the Hebrews 9:27 discussion...  But the ultimate truth of some things must simply be deduced from other scriptures.  They must be taken as a whole to avoid the dreaded 'contradictions'.. :P

P.S.  You quote Jesus saying they will not marry in the Resurrection.  That is true.  But marriage and sex are two different things.  That is why they are two different words.  That is why Ray in his marriage article states that sex is not a requirement to form a valid marriage.  You need to carefully read Ray's study on marriage.

Marriage and sex are two different things only in the sense that they are cause and effect.  Sex is the causal, and marriage is the effectual.  Maybe John is being a little tricky here in his rhetoric, I don't know.  The comment that "sex is not a requirement to form a valid marriage" is ridiculous on the face of it.  John later quotes Ray as saying "sex and love have nothing to do with marriage", well, this IS an example of conflating two different things, that is "two different words", John, that truly have nothing to do with each other. "Sex" has nothing to do with "love"; but both, by themselves, have MUCH to do with marriage.  One of the words is what creates it, and the other is what sustains it (or at least is the stated purpose of it!). 

Whatever Ray meant by that, he could not have meant that a man and a woman can be "married" in the biblical sense, while having never had sexual relations.  Or if he did, he was clearly mistaken, as anyone who has ever been married can attest to.  The idea is absurd.  Since marriage, the very  word, means "unity", that God "has joined together" (literally) and who are now "one flesh" (literally).  If you need further explanation of that, study human anatomy.  There are books available on the internet for free.

Now, whether a marriage is "valid" or not, is a whole 'nother issue... And another example of conflating two words to mean the same thing. Both valid and invalid marriages involved sex; they are certainly NOT the same thing, but both were CAUSED by the same thing.

But if there will be no marriage in the kingdom, as Jesus said, then there can be no sex.  Simple deduction..  No two witnesses needed. ;)


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #65 on: February 11, 2015, 12:20:03 AM »

John F. K.
My friend on the forum.
Suggestion from one who has made a couple of mistakes in my short life.

I sense that you have a lot to offer by way of Bible knowledge and spiritual understanding.
And I observe that it is sometimes misunderstood by your readers.
Maybe it would help if you carefully and lovingly delayed and edited your responses before sending them on. You have said a couple of times that you were at work and were tired and waiting to get home to a game. Perhaps your advice would be just as valuable after a period of rest and a chance to think through how they will be perceived by your friends.
Plus if your remarks were more judiciously presented with long suffering patience they would be more helpful for all concerned including the guests that read along with us.

Kindly offered, Indiana Bob



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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #66 on: February 11, 2015, 12:50:35 AM »

John F. K.
My friend on the forum.
Suggestion from one who has made a couple of mistakes in my short life.

I sense that you have a lot to offer by way of Bible knowledge and spiritual understanding.
And I observe that it is sometimes misunderstood by your readers.
Maybe it would help if you carefully and lovingly delayed and edited your responses before sending them on. You have said a couple of times that you were at work and were tired and waiting to get home to a game. Perhaps your advice would be just as valuable after a period of rest and a chance to think through how they will be perceived by your friends.
Plus if your remarks were more judiciously presented with long suffering patience they would be more helpful for all concerned including the guests that read along with us.

Kindly offered, Indiana Bob

Dear Bob,

Great wisdom for all of us to read and consider, not just John! Thank you for gently nudging us in a good direction.

God bless,
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #67 on: February 11, 2015, 02:16:00 AM »

Neo, have you seen Ray's study on marriage? If not, you should take John's advice and read/listen to it carefully. Ray is correct in stating that sex and love have nothing to do with the definition of marriage. One can be married while never having sex with or loving their spouse. I won't regurgitate Ray's study here, but it's a good one.


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #68 on: February 11, 2015, 02:33:30 PM »


If you read my response in that regard, you'd see that I've diligently studied Ray's teachings on marriage.  Ray is not correct in saying sex and love have nothing to do with marriage; please re-read what I wrote.  You are free to disagree of course, but be sure, I have diligently read and listened. 

But again, on this matter, some are saying things that I don't think Ray meant to say. Such as a woman and a man 'can be married having never had sex'.  Absurd.  Is there anybody here that thinks otherwise?

John from Kentucky

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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #69 on: February 11, 2015, 03:07:10 PM »

John F. K.
My friend on the forum.
Suggestion from one who has made a couple of mistakes in my short life.

I sense that you have a lot to offer by way of Bible knowledge and spiritual understanding.
And I observe that it is sometimes misunderstood by your readers.
Maybe it would help if you carefully and lovingly delayed and edited your responses before sending them on. You have said a couple of times that you were at work and were tired and waiting to get home to a game. Perhaps your advice would be just as valuable after a period of rest and a chance to think through how they will be perceived by your friends.
Plus if your remarks were more judiciously presented with long suffering patience they would be more helpful for all concerned including the guests that read along with us.

Kindly offered, Indiana Bob

Hi I-Bob,

Men do not make excuses for their words or actions.  Tired?  I meant everything I said in this thread.  No apologies.  No excuses.  I wouldn't change a word.

God will judge all our actions and words.  One of my favorite sayings is, "Let God judge."  He will straighten everything out.

Take care Bob, and may God guide your way.


John from Kentucky

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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #70 on: February 11, 2015, 03:16:17 PM »


If you read my response in that regard, you'd see that I've diligently studied Ray's teachings on marriage.  Ray is not correct in saying sex and love have nothing to do with marriage; please re-read what I wrote.  You are free to disagree of course, but be sure, I have diligently read and listened. 

But again, on this matter, some are saying things that I don't think Ray meant to say. Such as a woman and a man 'can be married having never had sex'.  Absurd.  Is there anybody here that thinks otherwise?

I'm your huckleberry.

You do not know what you're talking about.  Your previous statement that "No two witnesses needed", along with your goofy emoticon wink, demonstrates a profound ignorance of Scripture.  Ray was correct in his bible study on marriage that neither sex nor love is required to form a valid marriage.  His study is based upon the Scriptures.

One thing I do appreciate in you.  You do not hide where you are coming from.

"Fox in the hen house, run chicks run."


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #71 on: February 11, 2015, 03:35:49 PM »

Here are excerpts from Ray to answer questions that may arise from what was posted, this first is a more complete thought concerning Ray comment "Sex and love has nothing to do with the definition of marriage.",5675.0.html --------------

Now maybe a more important question would be, is love required to make a marriage? [No] Right on, no. Love does not even enter into the definition of a marriage. It does not. Proof… how many arranged marriages have been in the world? Millions. Do most of them when they get an arranged marriage, love each other? They don’t even know each other. 

Does sexual union have to be involved, in the definition of a marriage? [Unless it is consummated, you can annul it, right?] How long do you have to do that? Two years, eight years? Now we are putting time limits on it.

Sex and love has nothing to do with the definition of marriage. Nothing to do with it and I’m going to prove it to you. So What is marriage? We are going to find out. Get ready for a revelation, because this may not all be what you think it is.


MARRIAGE:  Gk. gamos - NUPTIALS, marriage, wedding. The CEREMONY and its proceedings including the ‘marriage feast.’

That’s the definition of marriage right out of the Bible. Now do you see sex, intercourse, or love in there?  No.  Let’s read it again, nuptials, marriage, wedding - the ceremony. CEREMONY… I want to show this to you over and over and over again, it will blow you away, it’s the ceremony and it’s proceedings, including the marriage feast or the marriage supper or what we call in the western world ‘the reception.’ 

NUPTIALS: Noun; ‘A wedding CEREMONY’ (Webster’s Dictionary). Adjective; ‘related to marriage or the wedding ceremony.’

That’s the first definition by Dr. Strong, it is nuptials. It has nothing to do with having intercourse, loving each other, or producing children, nothing. It means a wedding ceremony. 

The reason I decided to do this study, is because this person (email) is so hung up on the fact that ceremony has nothing to do with marriage. The fact of the matter is, what he thinks is marriage has nothing to do with the definition of marriage, 180 degrees opposite direction.
You can just go through dictionary after dictionary and Strong’s and you can look up all the words; marry, marrying, marriage, matrimony, look them all up, they all cross reference, they all produce the same truth… the wedding ceremony.

WEDDING: ‘The act of marrying, the CEREMONY of a marriage.’

It’s the definition of wedding, nothing to do with living together, rearing children, loving each other, having sex… nothing. Marriage is ‘gamos’ in Greek and marry is ‘gameo.’

MARRY: Gk. gameo - ‘to WED, unite a man and woman in wedlock.

What is a wedding? The act of marrying, the ceremony of a marriage, the exchanging of vows, the covenant agreement. That’s what marriage is. Interesting, marry - to wed, to unite a man and woman in wedlock, it’s the uniting process, it’s not the going to bed process on the honeymoon. It’s the actual uniting, the wedding, the wedding feast, the nuptials, the contract, the oaths.

WED: To take a spouse, to marry, to perform the marriage CEREMONY.

MATRIMONY: ‘The act of being married; marriage.’ Used but one time in the NT and that’s Heb 13:4  “Marriage (matrimony) is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled…”

It’s talking about the actual institution of marriage, when you go pass the actual ceremony and you come to the bed. In other words going to bed with your wife is to be honored, it is not something to be thought of as being a dirty or defiled thing.  But that is the only time that matrimony or you could put the word marriage in there, but it’s really talking about the state of marriage and maybe matrimony fit’s a little better.

ESPOUSED: Betrothed - a promise to GIVE in marriage or TO marry - nuptials, exchange vows, covenant.  Espousal was as legally binding as marriage, being confirmed by ’oaths,’ with a friend or legal representative by her parents.

When you look at all the words with an open mind and just let the scripture speak, there is no contradiction, these things are all in perfect harmony. 

Now another thing that was brought up in Michael's post, is about 'deducing' something out of Scripture...
I'd like to point out to anyone else reading now or in the future that some things in the scriptures must be deduced. There is not chapter and verse on every single detail about anything.  I've had to learn--and recently been reminded of that on this very thread.

Here is one place Ray explains that in the 'All Means All' Biblestudy and another place is from the 'Marriage' Biblestudy.,5605.0.html ---------


I'll give a little example here, because everybody doesn’t know how to deduce something.

If Nazareth is north of Jerusalem and Bethlehem is south of Jerusalem, we can ‘deduce’ that Bethlehem is also south of Nazareth, even though we don’t have a Bible verse that tells us that. You deduce it. It’s got to be, because if up here is Nazareth and down here is Bethlehem, Nazareth is north of Jerusalem. Then Bethlehem must also be south of Nazareth. That’s a deduction and you don’t have an actual statement, but you deduce it and it is factual truth. I mean that’s how scientist figure out lots of things, how to deduce it by something else.

Notice what it says in this verse. 

2 Peter 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

I want to get us out of every old mind set. In your old mind set, most will look at that verse and what will be the proof that all will be saved? He is going to bring ‘all’ to repentance. But that’s the word pas, which can mean many. But don’t give up on this verse so quickly, there is more to it. Let’s put a little deduction to work here.

I’m going to go and take the most difficult scenario first, of how to prove these things. From here they will get simpler.

So "the Lord is not," that word ou. Now we just established that it (not) always means, no - not - any - never, with no exception, right. Because if there is as exception then you can get into the kingdom of God without doing the will of the Father, if there is one exception. So this word ‘ou’ means absolutely none. Now let’s read it with the salvation of people in mind.

2 Peter 3:9  The Lord is not (Gk. #3856 ou - no, not, nay, never ever, none, zero) slack concerning His promise (so is there any slackness at all in God‘s promises? No, not at all, none), as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not (Gk. #3361 - mē, not, any, neither, never, no, none, nor, nothing) willing (Gk. #1014 bulimia, there is no slackness that God is not in any way willing, disposed, minded or intended) that any (Gk. #5100 tis - some, any, a, any {thing, thing at all}, certain, divers, every, man, one, ought, some {man, body, thing, what} no thing. So how many is God willing or intending are going to perish? This is talking about our destiny, not in this life time. How many? Not even one, zero, not some, not any, not at all any) should perish (Gk. apollumi - perish, destroy, lose) but that all (Gk. Pas - all, as many as. We can take that out, forget the word all, you don‘t need it. Put ‘that they,’ who? Anybody who doesn’t come under the category of none) should come to repentance.

Are you following this? This is all based on the negative. How many that don’t come under the category of none, not any, not any man, not any woman, not any thing, none whatsoever, nothing. Now if you are not in that category, you are going to come to repentance and not have a destiny of perishing or perished - apollumi. How many is that? Everyone does not come under the mē, the none, so it includes everyone. Therefore the “all” in that verse is everyone who is not included in the “any,” and that’s EVERYONE!,5675.0.html ---------------

Mat 5:31  It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:
v. 32  But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced commits adultery.

So Jesus did not even contradict the aspect of divorce, you know when they came to Him and said, can a man divorce for any reason. He said that if you put away your wife or divorced her, except it be for a cause of fornication or immorality - ‘porneia’ is the word, then you cause that person, if they go out and find another mate, then you cause them to commit adultery. You had no right to divorce that person. 

Now He doesn’t say it specifically, but you can deduce, you know you can lawfully, legally and rightly deduce from what is said, something that isn’t said. If you shouldn’t divorce for that, “except for fornication,” that means for fornication, you can divorce. So if Jesus Christ is putting His approval on a certain aspect of immorality where divorce can be involved, than He is also backing up the fact, that it was a legal marriage until the divorce came about. 

Jesus does not contradict divorcement. If adultery is involved, Jesus okays the marriage of a divorced person.

So hope this is helpful and will kind of cap things off for this thread.

mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 04:03:56 PM by Kat »

John from Kentucky

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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #72 on: February 11, 2015, 04:20:59 PM »


    [A] "…that in the mouth of TWO OR THREE WITNESSES every word may be established" (Matt. 18:16).

    "…In the mouth of TWO OR THREE WITNESSES shall every word be established" (II Cor. 13:1).

    [C] "And I will give power unto my TWO WITNESSES…" (Rev. 11:3).

This particular law of Scripture is constantly violated. We are to have at least a second witness to establish a Scriptural truth or doctrine.

Unfortunately, the Church does not follow this truth of God in establishing doctrine. Truth be known, orthodoxy has not even one witness to support any of their doctrines! Example: The Scriptures tell us that man is "mortal," not "immortal." They teach that man’s soul is immortal. Where do they have a Scripture to support this claim? No Scripture—no witness. Where is their second witness to this claim? No second witness. They will not be encumbered with Scriptures to support their damnable heresies and lies.

God told Adam if he ate of the forbidden fruit he would die: "And the Lord God commanded…you shall surely die." (Gen. 2:17). Theologians teach that, "once we are born, we shall NEVER surely die." Say, doesn’t that sound like the very same thing the lying serpent told Eve? Check it out:

    "And the serpent said unto the woman, ‘Ye shall NOT surely die"

Can we all agree that the phrase: "shall NOT SURELY die" is a contradiction of the phrase "SHALL SURELY die"?

Does the Church teach what God said or what the serpent said? Why would you prefer to believe what the serpent said rather than what God said? Am I going to fast for anyone?

So do souls actually die, or are they immortal? A "soul" in Hebrew is a "nephesh." Does the Church have "two witnesses" that souls do not die? They don’t have even one. Well then, do we have two witnesses that tell us plainly souls do die?

Yes we do:

    "…the soul [Heb: ‘nephesh’] that sins, it [the soul, the ‘nephesh’] shall die. (Say, isn’t that exactly what God taught us back in Gen. 2:17? Of course). (Ezek. 18:4). Doesn’t this then contradict both the lie of Satan and the Church?

    "The soul that sins, IT SHALL DIE" (Ezek. 18:20).

Jesus tells us in parable of two great witnesses:

    "Then said He unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which brings forth out of his treasure, NEW AND OLD" (Matt. 13:52).

What "new and old" treasures do "scribes" preserve for us regarding the "kingdom of heaven?" Why the NEW Covenant Scriptures and the OLD Covenant Scriptures, of course. And both the Old (Deut. 17:6 & 19:15), and the New (II Cor. 13:1 & Matt. 18:16) command that we must have two witnesses to establish every Word of God.

I will keep this truth short, as it overlaps with the next spiritual truth # 7 which requires that we compare and match spiritual with spiritual.

The next time your pastor mentions "immortal souls," "Christians going to heaven," "Jesus being in hell for three days," "not all men will be saved," "Christian tithing," "consciousness in death," "resurrection of the body," "parables make the teaching clear," "man’s will being free and independent of God," and dozens of other such nonsense, ask him to give you two Scriptures to support each of his unscriptural heresies.


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Re: Kingdom of God - of the heavens
« Reply #73 on: February 11, 2015, 04:24:29 PM »

Good place to close this up.
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