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This 1st timeline is from 07 Conference 'How We Got The Bible.'
2nd is from 07 biblestudy - Biblical Dates To Remember.
4th Dating and authors for the Books of the Bible
5th Chronology of Acts and the Epistles
6th The Life of Paul
7th Jesus' Last Jew Days On Earth


 Timeline of Bible Translation History
1,400 BC: The first written Word of God: The Ten Commandments delivered to Moses.

500 BC: Completion of All Original Hebrew Manuscripts which make up The 39 Books of the Old Testament.

200 BC: Completion of the Septuagint Greek Manuscripts which contain The 39 Old Testament Books AND 14 Apocrypha Books.

1ST Century AD: Completion of All Original Greek Manuscripts which make up The 27 Books of the New Testament.

Comment:  Now the first real translation that we can follow back in any language, that has been reproduced like the Greek manuscripts, would be the Vulgate in 382AD.  But we are back 200 years before that and possibly the oldest translation from the Greek known, is the Peshito/Peshitta.  It was translated from Greek into Syriac as early as 160-180 AD.  Some refer to it as the Aramaic, but it’s Syriac.  They don’t have a copy that goes back that far, but they have a historian quoting from the Peshito in Syriac in 1660 AD or somewhere in that area.  So if he is quoting from it, it must have existed, see what I’m saying.  But the earliest copy that they have is maybe around the 5th century or so.  Pershito means - simple or easy to understand.  So it’s a very precise, almost word for word translation. 
This is a English  translation of the Peshito, it’s called the ’Queen of the Versions’ and  ‘The Syriac Vulgate.’   The reason they call it the Syriac Vulgate is because it apparently was a renovation of all these poorly done scriptures that were floating around. 
Some say this was translated at Antioch.  Remember in the Scripture the followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians at Antioch.  So it would make sense that they would want to have a translation of Scripture in their native tongue. 

315 AD: Athenasius, the Bishop of Alexandria, identifies the 27 books of the New Testament which are today recognized as the canon of scripture.

Comment:  But it isn’t that he said, ’okay these are the books.’  Those were the books that he got.  These were passed on for 200 years from after Peter and John.  So they knew there were 27 books. 

07 Biblestudy 'Dates To Remember.'

                   [A short timeline of important Biblical dates]
Things make a lot more sense if we can put them into some sort of a frame of reference. 
Mobile -- south USA -- North America -- earth -- solar system -- Milky Way Galaxy.............

We will start with Adam and Eve and move forward:

Adam and Eve ----------------------------------4000-BC
Cain murders Abel -------------------------------3900-              wheel is
Methuselah is born-------------------------------3250-              invented
Adam dies age 930 ------------------------------3000+               3700
Noah is born ------------------------------------2885
Noah's flood [Methuselah dies at 969] ------------2285
Babel, languages confused -----------------------2150+           copper & gold
Abraham born -----------------------------------1995                 mined
Noah dies age 950 [500 pre&post flood]-----------1935
Sodom & cities burned ---------------------------1900-
Isaac [Abraham's (100 yrs old) first son] is born ---1895
Jacob & Esau born -------------------------------1835
Jacob & Leah have 6 sons in 7 yrs -
[first children of Israel] ---------------------------1777
Joseph viceroy of Egypt [famine ends] -------------1700
Israel prospers in Egypt for 150 yrs ----------------1600           King 'Tut' reigns
Israel slaves of Egypt for 175 yrs ------------------1450            9 yrs - 1350
Moses leads exodus [Ten Commandments]----------1275     
Israel invades Canaan and
walls of Jericho fall --------------------------------1234          Pyramid building
Philistines in Canaan -------------------------------1190              in Mexico
Samson is born ------------------------------------1090
Samuel leads Israel for 40 yrs ----------------------1050-
David born at Bethlehem ---------------------------1034
Saul first king of Israel -----------------------------1025
David king of Israel - rules for 40 yrs. ---------------1000+
David dies at age 69 and
Solomon rules 40 yrs - begins building temple ---------965            Greek writer
Solomon turns all Israel to idolatry -------------------935                  Homer - 800
Elijah & Baal priests ---------------------------------860+
Jonah - Assyria's enemy -----------------------------777         Hanging Gardens
Israel falls to Assyria --------------------------------700            of Babylon,
Babylon takes Judah - Temple burned -                                          Buddha in China
Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah -----------------------------600-            Confucius - 550
Zechariah calls for new Temple -----------------------520
Worship restored by Malachi, Ezra & Nehemiah --------450           Plato in Athens
Books of OT are now called Scripture -----------------350            Socrates 400
Temple built in Samaria and 
Alexander conquers Palestine peacefully --------------333
Egypt rules Palestine 100 yrs., many Jews in Egypt ----300
Septuagint: the law from Hebrew to Greek ------------250
Antiochus III of Syria conquers Palestine --------------200
Antiochus IV defukes Temple - burns the Law and
dedicates it to Zeus ---------------------------------167
Antiochus V rescinds decree against Jewish Law and
Temple is rededicated = Hanukkah --------------------164
Rome rules Judea -------------------------------------64
Herod the Great is made king of the Jews and
rebuilds the Temple -----------------------------------37          world population
Jesus is born -----------------------------------------4-3                250 million
Resurrection -----------------------------------------30AD
Titus demolishes Jersalem & Judea ---------------------70

I used the timeline Ray put together in a Bible study ( http://forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/topic,7500.0.html ) and transcript of How We Got The Bible ( http://forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/topic,5815.0.html ) and added a lot of dates to get a guideline of major Biblical/historical events, to help get a prespective of things. Thought I would share this, it might be helpful to someone else. The dates are from internet search of many sources, so are not certain, but tried to find more than one source for them.


Adam and Eve 4000 B.C.
Cain murders Abel, 3900- B.C.             
Wheel is invented in 3700 B.C.
Methuselah is born in 3250-B.C.             
Adam dies age 930, 3000+B.C.               
Noah is born in 2885 B.C.
Building Great Pyramids of Giza, largest in the world, 2575-2150 B.C
Noah's flood [Methuselah dies at 969], 2285 B.C
Babel, languages confused, 2150+ B.C.         
Abraham born in 1995 B.C.               
Noah dies age 950 [500 pre&post flood], 1935 B.C.
Sodom & cities burned around 1900- B.C.
Isaac [Abraham, at 100 yrs old, has first son] born in 1895 B.C.
Jacob & Esau born in 1835 B.C.
Jacob & Leah have 6 sons in 7 yrs - first children of Israel 1777 B.C.
Joseph viceroy of Egypt [famine ends], 1700 B.C.
Israel prospers in Egypt for 150 yrs, 1600 B.C.           
Israel slaves of Egypt for 175 yrs, 1450 B.C.
King 'Tut' reigns 9 yrs, 1350 B.C.       
Moses leads exodus [receives Ten Commandments], 1275 B.C.
Joshua led the Israelites into the land of Canaan. Israel invades Canaan and walls of Jericho fall, 1234 B.C.       
Philistines in Canaan, 1190 B.C.           
Samson is born in 1090 B.C.
Samuel leads Israel for 40 yrs, 1050- B.C.
David born at Bethlehem in 1034 B.C
Saul first king of Israel in 1025 B.C.

King David attacks and captures Jerusalem, it becomes City of David and capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, he rules for 40 yrs., 1000+ B.C.

David dies at age 69, 965 B.C.
Solomon rules 40 yrs, begins building first Temple, but turns all Israel to idolatry, 935 B.C.
Elijah & Baal priests, 860+ B.C.
Greek writer Homer, 800 B.C.

Jonah (Ben Amittai), sent to prophesy the destruction of Assyria, flees on a ship, was swallowed by a fish for 3 days and 3 nights, 777 B.C.
Israel falls to Assyria, 712 B.C.
Era of Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah 600 B.C.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 600 B.C.

Jerusalem was conquered in 605 BC, 597BC and 587 BC. The first destruction of the Temple occurred in 587 by Nebuchadnezzar. In the subsequent exile of the Jews to Babylon, some of the Jews fell under the influence of Persian beliefs of dualism and Zoroastrianism and hades/hell.
The Buddha, a spiritual teacher from ancient India and the historical founder of Buddhism. A majority of twentieth-century historians date his lifetime from 563-483 B.C.

Confucius a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, 551-479 B.C.

When Cyrus conquered Babylon, he allowed Israel and Judah to return to their land in 539 B.C

Zechariah calls for new Temple in 520 B.C and the Jewish Temple was rebuilt seventy years after it was destroyed, starting the second Temple period, in 515 B.C.

Completion of original Hebrew manuscripts which make up The 39 Books of the Old Testament, 500 B.C.

Esther, Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus (traditionally identified with Xerxes I). The history of Esther begins in 462 B.C.

Worship restored by Malachi, Ezra & Nehemiah in 450 B.C.

Nehemiah is the appointed governor of Judah, and was given orders from the King of Persia to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls in 444 B.C.

Socrates a classical Greek Athenian philosopher died in 399 B.C.
Books of OT are called Scripture by 350 B.C. 
Plato of Athens, died in 347 B.C.
Alexander the Great conquers Palestine peacefully (Egypt rules Palestine until 200 B.C., many Jews in Egypt). The Second Temple in Jerusalem was looted and its religious services stopped, Judaism was effectively outlawed, 333 B.C.

Completion of the Septuagint Greek Manuscripts which contain the 39 Old Testament books and 14 Apocrypha books, 200 B.C.

Antiochus III of Syria conquers Palestine, 200 B.C.
Antiochus IV defukes Temple - burns the Law and dedicates it to Zeus, 167 B.C.

Antiochus V rescinds decree against Jewish Law and Temple is rededicated, Hanukkah, 164 B.C.

Roman Empire rules Judea, 64 B.C.
Julius Caesar is appointed dictator of the Roman Republic, 45 B.C.

Herod the Great was appointed king of the Jews by the Roman senate in 40-39 B.C.

Herod expands the Temple Mount and rebuilds the Temple including the construction of the Western Wall. It became known as Herod's Temple in 19 B.C.

John the Baptist is born, 4 B.C.
Jesus is presented at the Temple, 40 days after his birth in Bethlehem, 3-4 B.C.
The 12 year old Jesus travels to Jerusalem on Passover, 8 C.E.
Three year Ministry of Jesus estimated begins 27-29 C.E and ends 30-36 C.E.

John the Baptist is imprisoned by Herod for denouncing his marriage, later beheaded, 26-31 C.E.

Judas Iscariot, died by his own actions in 31 C.E.
Crucifixion - Resurrection - and Ascension of Jesus Christ, 31 C.E.
Pentecost, falls on the tenth day after Ascension, 31 C.E.

Apostolic Age of the Church 31-100 A.D.

Stephen was stoned to death by an infuriated mob, approved by Saul of Tarsus in Jerusalem in 30/34 C.E.

Conversion of Saul to Paul the Apostle, it is normally dated by researchers to 32 (most likely) - 36 C.E.

Apostle James the greater, son of Zebedee, the first apostle to be martyred was put to death by sword shortly before the day of the Passover, in the year 44 C.E.

The Apostles held the Council of Jerusalem, the first Christian council, 50 C.E.

Apostle Philp, originally a disciple of John the Baptist was hanged from a tall pillar at Hierapolis, Phrygia. Some have it as late as 80 C.E., others have it at 54 C.E.
Apostle Bartholomew, surname was Mathanael, was crucified 59 C.E.
Apostle Matthew (or Levi) was killed with a havel that had a blade and spike in Nadabah in 60 C.E.
Apostle Barnabus, certain Jews coming to Syria and Salamis fell upon him as he was disputing in the synagogue, dragged him out and stoned him to death in 61 C.E.

Apostle James the Just (lesser), son of Alphaeus, was martyred at Jerusalem by being thrown from a pinnacle of the Temple, then stoned and beaten while praying for his attackers, some have it as early as 50 C.E., others 62 C.E.

Simon surnamed Peter, brother of Andrew, was crucified (head downward) in 64/68 C.E.

Apostle Paul as a Roman citizen was exempt from crucifixion, thus was tortured and then beheaded by the Emperor Nero at Rome in 64 C.E.

Apostle Mark, pagans of the city of Alexandria placed a rope around his neck and dragged him through the streets until he was dead, in 68 C.E.

Apostle Andrew, brother of Peter, according to traditional accounts, he was crucified in Greece on a decussate (i.e., X-shaped) cross. Some have it as early as the year 60 C.E. others 70 C.E.

Fall of Jerusalem; (from 6 CE, Judea came under direct Roman rule as the province of Iudaea, eventually, the Jews rose against Roman rule in 66 CE in a revolt that was unsuccessful). Titus' siege succeeds and Jerusalem was destroyed and sacked and much of the population was killed or enslaved, March – September 70 A.D.
Apostle Thomas, Aramaic name was Didymus was pierced through with spears by four soldiers in India. Some have it as early as 40 C.E., other as late as 72 C.E.
Apostle Jude, brother of James, was crucified in Edessa in 72 C.E.

Apostle Thaddeous, shot to death by arrows in 72 C.E.

Apostle Luke was 84 years old when idolaters tortured and hanged him from an olive tree in the town of Thebes, in Beothia of Greece, 74 C.E.

Matthias was chosen an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot. Traditional accounts say he was stoned to death and beheaded at Colchis in 80 C.E.
Judas (Jude Thaddeus), the brother of James the Lesser. According to traditional accounts he was beaten to death, then beheaded in Persia, sometime before the end of the first century.
Apostle John (the Beloved), son of Zebedee and brother of James the Greater was banished to the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea and subsequently freed and died a natural death at Ephesus in 101 C.E.

Simon the Zealot, according to legend was sawn in half at Suanir, Persia in 107 C.E.

Possibly the oldest translation from the Greek known is the Peshito/Peshitta (none of the originals exist, but there is a historian's quote from it, the earliest copy that they do have is from around the 5th century). It was translated from Greek into Syriac as early as 160-180 A.D.

Roman Persecution of the Church 100-313 A.D.

Age of Constantine 313-600 A.D.

In the year 313 Constantine ordered that a large number of Bibles be written to replace the ones that were destroyed when the Jews and Christians were being persecuted by Rome. Constantine ruled over a pagan Rome and was the head of the most popular pagan religion until being baptized a Christian on his deathbed. Constantine appointed the first bishops and Christianity became Romanized and many of the pagan traditions and beliefs became incorporated into the Christian teachings.

Athenasius, the Bishop of Alexandria, identifies the 27 books of the New Testament (passed on for 200 years from Peter and John, which are today recognized as the canon of Scripture), in 315 A.D.

The First Council of Nicaea (first worldwide Christian council) in Bithynia (present-day İznik in Turkey) and convoked by the Roman Emperor Constantine I. The ban on Jews entering the city remains in force, accept once a year to pray at the Western Wall on Tisha B'Av. This is the date on which the city is generally taken to have been renamed Jerusalem, 325 A.D.

Codex Sinaiticus Greek Manuscript, the first Greek manuscript of the complete New Testament, also includes the translation of the Old Testament known as the Septuagint, 350 A.D.

Jerome's Latin Vulgate Manuscripts produced, which contain all 80 books (39 Old Test + 14 Apocrypha + 27 New Test), 382 A.D.

Hell remained an open question and not an official teaching until the age of Justinian and the Council of Constantinople where universal salvation was denounced and eternal damnation was embraced and made church dogma, 553 A.D.

Dark Ages 600-1517 A.D.

The Muslims built the Dome of the Rock on the location of the Jewish Temple 687 A.D.

Great Schism - the Patriarch of Jerusalem joined the Eastern Orthodox Church, under the jurisdiction of Constantinople. All Christians in the Holy Land came under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, setting in place a key cause of the Crusades, 1054 A.D.

At the Council of Clermont Pope Urban II calls for the First Crusade, 1095 A.D.

Divine Comedy (Divina Commedia), by Dante Alighieri; Inferno - Purgatorio - Paradiso, an epic poem written between 1308 and his death in 1321 A.D.

For exactly one thousand years, Latin was virtually the only available translation until Wycliffe‘s English translation (Complete Bible; All 80 Books, translation out of the Vulgate) in 1382 A.D.

Fall of Constantinople, overrun by Ottoman Empire, 1453 A.D.
Gutenberg Bible, first printed Bible, by Johann Gutenberg in 1455 A.D.

Michelangelo frescoes the Sistine Chapel's vaulted ceiling in 1508-1512 A.D.

William Tyndale's New Testament; the first New Testament in the English language, draw directly from Hebrew and Greek texts, and the first to take advantage of the new medium of print which allowed for its wide distribution in 1526 A.D.

Lutheranism is officially adopted by reformation in 1528. First doctrinal statement of the Lutheran Church in 1530 A.D.

Myles Coverdale's Bible; the first complete Bible printed in the English language (Tyndale’s protégés finished Tyndale’s Old Testament (after Tyndale was put to death) and producted the complete 80 books: O.T. & N.T. & Apocrypha), 1535 A.D.

The Geneva Bible Printed; The first English language Bible to add numbered verses to each chapter (80 Books)1560 A.D., became the Bishop‘s Bible of 1568 A.D.

Jamestown, Virginia founded in 1607 A.D.

Baptist Church founded by John Smyth, 1609 A.D.

The King James Bible printed; originally with all 80 Books. The Apocrypha was officially removed in 1885 leaving only 66 books, 1611 A.D.

George Fox founds the Quaker movement in 1648 A.D.

Methodist movement, led by John Wesley and his hymn-writing brother Charles, begins in 1738 A.D.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. in April 6, 1830 A.D.

Seventh-day Adventist Church officially formed in 1863 A.D.

The Pentecostal, the earliest date given for the beginning of this movement is January 1, 1901

Jehovah's Witnesses founded in 1931 A.D.

Herbert W. Armstrong founded Radio Church of God, 1934 A.D.

Bible-truths.com, L. Ray Smith and Dennis Vogel started this website, 2000 A.D.

Compiled by 'knuckle,' no longer a member here.

Dating and Authors for the Books of the Bible

-------------------------about 1400 BC

Joshua - shortly after

Judges - c. 10th century BC

Ruth - c. 10th century BC

1-2 Samuel - 8th-6th century BC

1-2 Kings - 6th-5th century BC

1-2 Chronicles - 400 BC would be the earliest possible date for composition

Esther - 5th century BC

Job - c. 10th century BC at the earliest

Lamentations - is an eye witness account of babylons destroying Jerusalem in 586 BC

Psalms - written by many authors at different times

Proverbs - written mostly by solomon (900BC) but some may be older

Ecclesiastes - started by solomon but added to from 900BC to about (?)350 BC

Ezra-Nehemiah - group of letters put together as books (one book in the Torah) (?)400 BC

Song of Songs - Soloman 900 BC

Jeremiah - Ezekiel - about 600 BC

Daniel - in his lifetime between 605 and 530 BC

Hosea - attributed to Hosea. His prophesies cover the period from 753-715 BC.

Joel - attributed to Joel. The date of the book is uncertain, with dates ranging from the early pre-exilic (800's BC) to late post-exilic period (500-400 BC).

Amos - attributed to Amos. Dates between 767 and 753 BC.

Obadiah - attributed to Obadiah. Dates between 847 and 841 BC.

Jonah - attributed to Jonah. Dates to the 700's BC.

Micah - attributed to Micah. Dates between 740 and 695 BC.

Nahum - attributed to Nahum. Two different dates are generally accepted as possibilities for Nahum's ministry: 661-612 BC or 722-701 BC.

Habakkuk - attributed to Habakkuk. Dates to sometime between 612 and 587 BC.

Zephaniah - attributed to Zephaniah. Dates sometime during the reign of Josiah (640-609 BC)

Haggai - attributed to Haggai. It is possible to date his prophesies very exactly, since he gave us the precise day he uttered his prophesies:
Haggai 1:1 - August 29, 520 BC
Haggai 1:15 - September 21, 520 BC
Haggai 2:19-20 - December 18, 520 BC

Zechariah - chapters 1-8 are attributed to Zechariah and can be dated precisely.
Zech 1:1 - October, 520 BC
Zech 1:7 - February 15, 519 BC
Zech 7:1 - December 7, 518 BC
Chapters 9-14 were not written by Zechariah and cannot be easily dated (that they were not written by Zechariah is clear from both internal and external evidence).
Chapters 9-11 were written by Jeremiah, according to Matthew 27:9-10, which quotes Zecharaiah 11:12-13 and attributes it to Jeremiah. The date would then be sometime between 627 and 580 BC.
Chapters 12-14 are titled "an oracle" and are attributed to no one.

Malachi - based on Mark 1:2-3, the book called "Malachi" was apparently actually written by Isaiah, since there the author of Mark quotes from "Malachi," but attributes it to Isaiah. The title "Malachi" taken from 1:1 is simply the Hebrew phrase "my messenger" and the word is so translated in 3:1.
The date of the book would then be sometime between 740 and 690 BC.

New Testament
Matthew - attributed to Matthew. Probably written sometime between AD 55 and 75.

Mark - attributed to John Mark. Probably written before AD 70, and before the books of Matthew or Luke were composed.

Luke - attributed to Luke. Since the book of Acts (also attributed to Luke) was written afterward, and since Acts was apparently written before Paul's execution during the reign of Nero, the book of Luke is apparently relatively early, perhaps before AD 60.

John - attributed to John. Probably composed between AD 85 and 90, though some scholars have suggested dates as early as AD 45 and as late as AD 110.

Acts - attributed to Luke. Probably composed around AD 64 (Paul's imprisonment in Rome was from AD 61-63).
Historically Paul was believed to be nearly blind at the end of his ministry so though the words are Paul's another hand may have penned them.
Romans - attributed to Paul. Written AD 56 or 57.

1 Corinthians - attributed to Paul. Written AD 55.

2 Corinthians - attributed to Paul. Written AD 56.

Galatians - attributed to Paul. Written AD 52

Ephesians - attributed to Paul. Written AD 63.

Philippians - attributed to Paul. Written between AD 59 and AD 61.

Colossians - attributed to Paul. Written AD 62.

1 Thessalonians - attributed to Paul. Written AD 50.

2 Thessalonians - attributed to Paul. Written AD 50.

1 Timothy - attributed to Paul. Written between AD 62 and AD 67.

2 Timothy - attributed to Paul. Written between AD 62 and AD 67.

Titus - attributed to Paul. Written AD 63.

Philemon - attributed to Paul. Written between AD 56 and AD 62.

Hebrews - written between AD 66 and AD 70 (certainly written before the destruction of Jerusalem AD 70).

James - attributed to James. Written between AD 45 and AD 50.

1 Peter - attributed to Peter. Written between AD 62 and AD 64.

2 Peter - attributed to Peter. Written between AD 64 and AD 68.
Though the words were definitely Peter's they may have been penned by Mark who was Peters assistant in his ministry.

1 John - attributed to John. Written between AD 85 and AD 90.

2 John - attributed to John. Written AD 90.

3 John - attributed to John. Written AD 90.

Jude - attributed to Jude. Written between AD 60 and AD 65.

Revelation - attributed to John. Written between AD 54 and AD 68 or perhaps after Johns other books as late as AD 92 depending on how many times John was on Patmos legend states John died on Patmos but no substantial evidence to back this up.



Chronology of Acts and the Epistles

Event                                            Reference                               Year (AD)

Descent of the Holy Spirit                Acts 2:1-13                                30
Setting Up of the Church                  Acts 2:40-47                             30
First Persecutions                            Acts 4:1-22; 5:21-42; 7:1-60     35
Philip at Samaria                             Acts 8:4-13                               35
Conversion of Saul                          Acts 9:1-9                                 36
First Gentile Converted                    Acts 10:1-48                             40
Founding of Church at Antioch          Acts 11:19-30                           43
Writing of Matthew's Gospel             Matthew                                   43
James Killed by Herod                      Acts 12:1-25                            45
Paul's Call                                       Acts 13:1-3                              47
His 1st Missionary Journey Begun     Acts 13:4-14:28                        48
Council at Jerusalem                        Acts 15:6-35                            50
2nd Missionary Journey Begun          Acts 15:39-18:22                     51
Writing of I Thessalonians                 I Thessalonians                        52
Writing of II Thessalonians               II Thessalonians                        53
3rd Missionary Journey Begun          Acts 18:23-21:17                      54
Writing of I Corinthians                   I Corinthians                              57
Writing of Galatians                         Galatians                                  57
Writing of II Corinthians                   II Corinthians                            58
Writing of Romans                           Romans                                    58
Writing of Luke's Gospel                   Luke                                         59
Paul's Arrest at Jerusalem                Acts 21:26-22:29                       58
Paul at Caesarea                             Acts 23:23-26:32                       59
Paul Starts for Rome                       Acts 27:1-2                                60
Paul Reaches Rome                         Acts 28:11-16a                           61
Paul's Imprisonment at Rome          Acts 28:16-31                             62
Paul Writes Ephesians                     Ephesians                                   62
Paul Writes Philippians                    Philippians                                  62
Paul Writes Colossians                     Colossians                                 62
Paul Writes Philemon                       Philemon                                   62
James Writes his Epistle                   James                                       62
I Peter Written                                 I Peter                                      63
Acts Written                                    Acts                                          63
Paul is Acquitted                             -                                               63
Paul Visits Various Places                 -                                               63
Paul Writes Hebrews                        Hebrews                                    63
Paul Writes I Timothy                      I Timothy                                   63
Paul Writes Titus                             Titus                                          63
Writing of Mark's Gospel                  Mark                                          64
II Peter Written                              II Peter                                       65
Paul's Second Imprisonment at Rome -                                              65
II Timothy Written                          II Timothy                                  66
Martyrdom of Paul                           -                                               66
Destruction of Jerusalem                  -                                               71
Jude's Epistle Written                      Jude                                           75
Writing of John's Gospel                  John                                           85
Writing of John's Three Epistles        I John; II John; III John               90
John's Visions at Patmos                 Revelation 1:9                             96
Revelation Written                          Revelation                                   97
Death of John                                -                                                100


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