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From https://www.blueletterbible.org/study/paul/timeline.cfm
Year (*)The Life of Paul (--)Historical Events
AD 4 --Augustus adopts Tiberius and recognizes him as the successor
c. 5 *Born—an Israelite—in Tarsus of Cilicia (Acts 22:3; Phil 3:5)
*A Roman citizen by birthright (Acts 22:28)
7 --Judea becomes a Roman Imperial province
14 --Census of Caesar and Tiberius
--Lyvia poisons Augustus; Tiberius comes into power
c.15-20 *At the school of Gamaliel, Jerusalem (Acts 22:3)
26 --Pilate begins serving as procurator of Judea
28 --John the Baptist executed by Herod Antipas
30 --Crucifixion of Christ
31(?) *A Pharisee (Phil 3:5)
c. 32 *Present at Stephen's stoning (Acts 7:58; 8:1)
c.33-34 *Persecutor of the church (Acts 8:1-3; Phil 3:6)
34 *Conversion on the Road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9)
*Goes to Damascus (Acts 9:10-19
*Travels to Arabia and remains there (Gal 1:17)
36 --Imprisonment of Herod Agrippa
37 *Returns to Damascus then exits the city for safety (Gal 1:17; Acts 9:20-25;
2 Cor 11:32-33)
*Goes up to Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-29; Gal 1:18)
--Caligula becomes emperor at the death of Tiberius
*Goes back to Tarsus for safety (Acts 9:30)
39 --Herod Antipas deposed by Caligula and exiled to Gaul
41 --Caligula murdered
--Cladius declared emperor
42 --Famine in Rome
44 --Death of Herod Agrippa I
46 *Barnabas travels to Tarsus in order to seek Saul (Acts 11:25)
47 *Goes to Antioch with Barnabas teaching and many people (Acts 11:26)
*Agabus prophesies a famine (Acts 11:27, 28)
*Aid sent to Jerusalem through Barnabas and Saul (Acts 11:29, 30)
*Barnabas and Saul return with John Mark (Acts 12:25)
*Barnabas and Saul "separated" and sent out (Acts 13:2, 3)
*They travel from Antioch to Seleucia, then to Cyprus (Acts 13:4)
48 *While on Cyprus they go to Salamis and Paphos (Acts 13:5-12)
*From Paphos they go to Perga of Pamphylia where John Mark departs for home (Acts 13:13)
*Ministry in Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:14-50)
*At Iconium (Acts 13:51 - 14:6)
*Flees to Lystra and Derbe, preaching the gospel (Acts 14:6-7)
*In Lystra Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods (Acts 14:8-18)
*Stoned at Lystra, supposed to be dead, but re-enters the city (Acts 14:19-20)
*Departs with Barnabas to Derbe, preaching the gospel (Acts 14:20-21)
*They return to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch to strengthen disciples and appoint elders
(Acts 14:21-24)
*From Pisidia they returned to Antioch of Syria and reported their journey to the church
(Acts 14:24-28)
49 *Goes up to the Jerusalem Council with Barnabas (Acts 15:1-29; Galatians 2:1)
*Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch of Syria, teaching and preaching
(Acts 15:30-35; Galatians 2:11-14)
*Contention over John Mark; Barnabas and John Mark sail to Cyprus (Acts 15:36-39)
*Paul and Silas depart, going through Syria and Cilicia strengthening the churches
(Acts 15:40-41)
50 *Goes to Derbe and Lystra and picks up Timothy, strengthening the churches (Acts 16:1-5)
*They go to Troas and Paul sees a vision of a Macedonian man (Acts 16:6-10)
51 *They sail from Troas to Neapolis (Acts 16:11)
*To Philippi where Paul meets Lydia (Acts 16:12-15)
*Paul and Silas imprisoned after casting out a demon from a slave girl
(Acts 16:16-25)
*Prison doors opened miraculously and the jailer saved (Acts 16:25-34)
*Departs from Philippi (Acts 16:35-40)
*They passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia (Acts 17:1)
*At Thessalonica and preached Christ, but had to flee (Acts 17:1-10)
*At Berea where he leaves Silas and Timothy (Acts 17:10-14)
*At Corinth and rejoined with Silas and Timothy (Acts 18:1-17)
53 *Paul returns to Antioch after stopping at Ephesus, Caeserea, and Jerusalem
(Acts 18:18-22)
*Travels through Galatia and Phrygia strengthening the disciples (Acts 18:23)
*Passes through the upper regions on his way to Ephesus (Acts 19:1)
*Ministry in Ephesus (Acts 19:1-41)
54 --Nero becomes Emperor
56 *Goes to Macedonia (Acts 20:1)
*Travels to Greece (Acts 20:2)
*Goes back to Macedonia (Acts 20:3)
*At Troas (Acts 20:4-12)
*Assos. Mitylene. Chios. Samos. Togyllium. (Acts 20:13-15)
*Paul exhorts the Ephesian elders at Miletus (Acts 20:15-38)
*Cos. Rhodes. Patara. Phoenicia. (Acts 21:1, 2)
*At Tyre (Acts 21:3-6)
*At Ptolemais (Acts 21:7)
*At Caesarea (Acts 21:8-14)
57 *At Jerusalem (Acts 21:15-25)
*Paul gets arrested in the temple and causes a mob (Acts 21:26-36)
*Addresses the mob (Acts 21:37 - 22:21)
*Paul's citizenship saves him from scourging (Acts 22:22-29)
*Before the Sanhedrin (Acts 22:30 - 23:10)
*Jesus tells Paul that he will bear witness of him in Rome (Acts 23:11)
*The plot against Paul's life (Acts 23:12-22)
*Sent safely to Felix the governor (Acts 23:23-35)
*Paul before Felix (Acts 24:1-27)
59 *Paul before Festus (Acts 25:1-12)
*Paul's appeal honored - turning point towards Rome (Acts 25:12)
--Assassination of Agrippina
*Paul before Agrippa (Acts 25:13 - 26:32)
*Paul departs for Rome and sails to Myra (Acts 27:1-5)
*They sail to Fair Havens on Crete (Acts 27:6-8)
* In spite of Paul's warning, they set sail again (Acts 27:9-12)
*In the midst of a terrible storm they get shipwrecked on the island of Malta
(Acts 27:13 - 28:1)
*At Malta (Acts 28:2-10)
*Sails to Syracuse (Acts 28:11, 12)
*Sails to Rhegium then Puteoli (Acts 28:13)
60 *Arrives in Rome (Acts 28:14-16)
*Meets with the Jews (Acts 28:17-28)
*Preaches the gospel without hindrance for two whole years in his rented house
(Acts 28:30-31).
*Released from Roman imprisonment
63 *Further missionary work
64 --The Great Fire in Rome; Major persecution of Christianity begins
66 *Second imprisonment and martyrdom under Nero
--The beginning of the Jewish Revolt against Rome
67 --Josephus surrenders to the Romans
68 --Nero commits suicide
69 --Vespian prevails as the Emporer amidst civil war
70 --Destruction of the temple under Titus
Timeline of Historic Inventions
The timeline of historic inventions is a chronological list of particularly important or significant technological inventions.
2800 BC...... Soap in Mesopotamia
2600s BC..... Papyrus: Imhotep in Egypt
500s BC....... Kite: Lu Ban in China
100s BC....... Parchment in Pergamon
21 BC.......... Bookbinding in India
1-100 AD..... Rudder in China
105............. Paper: Cai Lun in China
200s............ Horseshoes in Germany
300s............ Toothpaste in Roman Egypt
400s............ Surgical needle in Roman Empire
589............. Toilet paper: Yan Zhitui in China
618-700....... Porcelain in China
634-644....... Windmill: Umar
700..........…. Quill pen
800s............ Black powder in China
810-887....... Eye glasses: Abbas Ibn Firnas
865-925....... Hard soap: Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi
Antiseptic: Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi
900s............ Gun in China
996............. Paned window in the Arab Empire
1000............ Inhalational anaesthetic: Abu al-Qasim
Injection syringe: Ammar ibn Ali al-Mawsili of Iraq
1000-1037.... Thermometer: Avicenna (Ibn Sina) in Persia
1000-1048.... Star chart: Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī
1041............ Movable type printing press: Bi Sheng in China
1088............ Mechanical clock: Su Song
1100............ Framed bead abacus in China
1126............ Rocket: Li Gang in China
1128............ Cannon in China
1206............ Geared water supply system: Al-Jazari
1297-1298..... Buttonhole in Germany
1450s............ Alphabetic movable type printing press: Johannes Gutenberg
1498............. Bristle toothbrush: Hongzhi Emperor
1500............. Scissors: Leonardo Da Vinci
1570s............ Telescope: Leonard Digges and Taqi al-Din
1609.............. Microscope: Hans Lippershey, Hans Janssen, Zacharias Janssen
1698.............. Steam engine: Thomas Savery
1700.............. Piano: Bartolomeo Cristofori
1769.............. Steam road vehicle: Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot
1791.............. Artificial teeth: Nicholas Dubois De Chemant
1802.............. Gas stove: Zachäus Andreas Winzler
1804.............. Locomotive: Richard Trevithick
1818.............. Bicycle: Karl Drais
1821.............. Electric motor: Michael Faraday
1834.............. Refrigerator: Jacob Perkins
1843.............. Typewriter: Charles Thurber
1849.............. Telephone: Antonio Meucci
1860.............. Light Bulb, Sir Joseph Swan
1866.............. Dynamite: Alfred Nobel
1869.............. Vacuum cleaner: I.W. McGaffers
1877.............. Phonograph: Thomas Alva Edison
1885.............. Automobile (internal combustion engine powered): Karl Benz
1885.............. Motorcycle: Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach
1886.............. Gasoline engine: Gottlieb Daimler
1891.............. Zipper: Whitcomb L. Judson
1893.............. Radio: Nikola Tesla
1895.............. Diesel engine: Rudolf Diesel
1902.............. Air Conditioner: Willis Carrier
1903.............. Powered, controlled airplane: Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright
1904.............. Tractor: Benjamin Holt
1907.............. Washing machine, (electric): Alva Fisher (Hurley Corporation)
1913.............. X-Ray (coolidge tube): William D. Coolidge
1923.............. Television Electronic: Philo Farnsworth
1928.............. Sliced bread: Otto Frederick Rohwedder
Antibiotics: Alexander Fleming (initial discovery of penicillin)
1941.............. Computer: Konrad Zuse
1942.............. Nuclear reactor: Enrico Fermi
1947.............. Polaroid camera: Edwin Land
1958.............. Communications satellite: Kenneth Masterman-Smith
1960.............. Laser: Theodore Harold Maiman
1962.............. Space observatory: Ball Brothers Aerospace Corporation
1963.............. Computer mouse: Douglas Engelbart
1968.............. Video game console: Ralph H. Baer
1971.............. Space station: Kerim Kerimov
Pocket calculator: Sharp Corporation
1973.............. Personal computer: Xerox PARC
1977.............. Mobile phone: Bell Labs
1982.............. Artificial heart: Robert Jarvik,
1983.............. Internet: Robert E. Kahn, Vint Cerf and others
1990.............. World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee
Note: Dates for inventions are often controversial. Inventions are often invented by several inventors around the same time, or may be invented in an impractical form many years before another inventor improves the invention into a practical form. Where there is ambiguity, the date of the first known working version of the invention is used here.
This is a partial list, for a full list go to this link.
Dennis Vogel:
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/AnB2iXgII5U
Adam and Eve4000BCCain murders Abel3900Wheel Invented3700Methuselah is born3250Adam dies age 9303000First Egyptian hieroglyphs appear2900Noah is born2885Noah's flood [Methuselah dies at 969]2285Babel, languages confused2150Abraham born1995Noah dies age 950 [500 pre & post flood]1935Sodom & cities burned1900Isaac [Abraham's (100 yrs old) first son] is born1895Jacob & Esau born1835Israel 1st children (Jacob & Leah 6 sons in 7 yrs)1777Joseph viceroy of Egypt [famine ends]1700Israel prospers in Egypt for 150 yrs1600Israel slaves of Egypt for 175 yrs1450King 'Tut' reigns 9 years1350Moses leads exodus [Ten Commandments]1275Israel invades Canaan - Walls of Jericho fall1234Philistines in Canaan1190Iron used for tools and weapons1190Samson is born1090Samuel leads Israel for 40 yrs1050David born at Bethlehem1034Saul first king of Israel1025David king of Israel - rules for 40 yrs.1000David dies at 69and Solomon rules 40 yrs - Temple begins865Solomon turns all Israel to idolatry935Elijah & Baal priests860Jonah - Assyria's enemy777Israel falls to Assyria700Babylon takes Judah - Temple burned - 600Earliest coins appear650Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah600Zechariah calls for new Temple520Worship restored by Malachi, Ezra & Nehemiah450Books of OT are now called Scripture350Temple built in Samariaand Alexander conquers Palestine peacefully333Egypt rules Palestine 100 yrs. - Many Jews in Egypt300Septuagint: the law from Hebrew to Greek250Antiochus III of Syria conquers Palestine200Antiochus IV defiles Templeand Burns the Law and dedicates it to Zeus167Antiochus V rescinds decree against Jewish Lawand Temple is rededicated = Hanukkah164Rome rules Judea64Herod the Great is made king of the Jewsand rebuilds the Temple37Jesus is born4-3Resurrection30ADTitus demolishes Jerusalem & Judea70
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