Hi, my name is brian, I am new to this site and just now exploring it. I to believed that today's church was not describing Yahweh for who he truly is. I thank Yahweh for the truth of his word and using Ray to open my eyes to the scriptures. I was raised Catholic to Christian missionary alliance to Pentecost. Now I seek brothers and sisters who believe as I do with the insight that Ray has given us. Knowledge and wisdom to all of you in the name of yashua.
Hi Brian, and welcome to the forums! There is a lot here to learn which can take quite a long time. Its been a life long journey for me. I hope you will ask us the questions you may encounter when reading what ray has written at bibletruths.
Since you are new I will just kindly post a few links here that you may not have had a chance to read yet.
http://bible-truths.com/email4.htm#actualHi Ray,
I have learned alot from you and Lew White. My question is, what is your understanding of our creator's actual name and the name of his son. YHWH? Yeshua? My apologies if the answer is already on your page somewhere.
Keep the truth coming brother.
[Ray Replies]
Dear Jeff:
The New Testament was written and preserved in GREEK manuscripts.
GOD said through HIS ANGEL, that HIS SON's Name should be called: "Jesus" [Gk: "Iesous"].
All of the Apostles called God's Son, their Lord, JESUS, the Christ.
God calls His Son, "My SON."
Jesus calls His God, "My FATHER."
Now those are the facts of the New Testament. Hundreds of thousands of idol worshippers call what I have just presented to you, HERESY. No, this is not heresy, but the facts of Scriptures.
God be with you,
http://bible-truths.com/email4.htm#pronounce[Ray Replies]
Jeff it is good to know the MEANING of Greek and Hebrew names, but when it comes to how one pronounces them, that is sheer folly. I have groups virtually make a NEW RELIGION out of how we pronounce and spell the names and titles of Jesus and His Father.
Translating "aions" into English "eternities" COMPLETELY changes the meaning of the original word. Calling Jesus by His Greek, Latin, or whatever, as opposed to how His name is pronounced in Hebrew proves NOTHING. And certainly is NOT a sign of spirituality. Besides most of the population of the world who is familiar with the KJV wouldn't even know who you are talking about. Paul became ALL things to ALL people that he might gain some.
We can even call God the Father "Pappa" if we want to, so give me a break!
Jeff, don't ever let people make you feel spiritually inferior to themselves through the use of supposed higher knowledge. If they are shaming you, then SHAME ON THEM!
God be with you.
http://bible-truths.com/enigmaOfGod.htmWhat is the Name of the Father and His Son?
Note: Ray was not able to give his final approval to this paper before his death on May 23th, 2012.
Mystery of mysteries: Is "Jesus" the name of our Lord and Saviour or is Jesus, as many contend, a spurious counterfeit name? And what is the name of our Lord's Father? Surely we should know the correct name for our Saviour. And surely we should know the name of His Father. But don't you know the name Jesus has been almost demonized in recent years by professed Christians. They insist that the name Jesus is not the proper name for our Lord. And the Jehovah's Witnesses and others passionately teach that the Father's Name has actionally been removed dozens of times in the New Testament Greek manuscripts. Is any of this true. Prepare to be shocked by the Scriptural truth of this subject.
For nearly a dozen years I have received admonitions from numerous of my readers and detractors instructing me to start using the proper and correct names for Jesus and His Father. They think the translators have substituted the Father's name in the New Testament for something else. And they say the name Jesus is a pagan name derived from the Greek god Zeus-G-zeus.
[ Read the full article at the link provided above ]
Again, welcome!
God bless,