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Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 4824 times)

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« on: August 31, 2015, 10:45:18 PM »

Hello everybody 
I am Colin;  I am 78 and since the death of my wife two years ago, I now live alone in my small house in Burnie, situated on the north-west coastline of Tasmania, the island state to the south of Australia.
I was directed, some 8 years ago, to Bible-truths by a friend who, like my wife and I, had attended WWCG and I quickly realised that Ray had the “ring of truth” in his articles which I studied, often with amazement at what I was discovering.    Ray’s explanation of many scriptural subjects gave me understanding to help me through the very stressful period while I cared for my wife during her last days.   
For almost 40 years I was an industrial chemist in a wide variety of fields and worked not only in the steamy tropics of the Northern Territory but also in the more temperate climate of Tasmania.    Ray’s interests in the natural and scientific world struck a chord with me and presented for me a greater appreciation of God’s amazing handiwork in regard to the physical creation.     Even more importantly, the intention which He has to make us all into His image, according to His timetable.
Following the demise of WWCG, I attended UCG but after a decade, became painfully aware of the hypocrisy and disenchanted with the behaviour of the hierarchy.    After reading Ray’s inspired papers, I was able to see the errors which I had been taught.       For years, I read Ray’s articles and regularly found that on rereading them, even more would be revealed, showing how I had read over something and did not see it at first.   
Curiosity led me to visit the forum link and I have been reading the posts for several years.   Taking part in a forum is something quite new to me, so despite my age, I am a novice….just keen to learn and to contribute as best I can.   




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Re: Introduction
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 10:59:32 PM »

Big Hearty Welcome to you Colin! Your age to me is striking! I am a wee baby compared to yourself, merely 27 years old but I look forward to your being here with us. I love hearing from the older generations, especially about their lives--Where theyve been, what theyve seen, done, etc... I recently spoke to a very old WWII vet, late 80's early 90's, and he had to most fantastic stories. I remember him recounting to me the very first day he met his future wife, a young sailor no older than 18 or 19. He described that first chance meeting as if it had only been yesterday. I am sorry to hear about your wife. I hope you have found some peace knowing these precious truths of God that we have been blessed with.

God bless,
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2015, 11:08:15 PM »

Welcome, Colin.  I look forward to our continued fellowship.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 11:27:07 PM »

Welcome to the forum Colin.  I am delighted you have decided to join.  :)

« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 10:38:57 AM by Rene »


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2015, 12:32:00 AM »

Welcome to the forum, Colin. I'm very sorry to hear about your wife, and I'm glad that Ray's writing was able to provide you with a measure of comfort during those difficult times. Like many others here (so I gather), I, too, have a history with WWCG and UCG (And, also like you, I'm definitely a novice when it comes to using forums, as this is my first and only one!), but have found far greater spiritual truths here. I'm confident that both of us will continue to find more along with the other members of the forum.
Your brother in Christ,
« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 12:09:37 PM by repottinger »


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2015, 12:41:39 AM »

Wow……some speedy replies to my introduction …..thank you all….I am still feeling my way with the computer and “experimenting” in how to answer …….forgive if I take the “wrong option” now and again with a programme that is “foreign” to me.   A bit like learning to speak Chinese is how I feel.    I know….young children do that quite easily in China….but I’m of an earlier “vintage”.
A few months ago, I had been looking at Matthew 25 and considering the separation of the two groups mentioned as the sheep to the “right” and the goats to the “left”.    I thought about what will be the “essential demarcation”.
Simplified, it is all about those who will have served others versus the ones who ignored the plight of those in need.     
Within a day of contemplating that, I received a phone call from the Hospice and Palliative Care folk who had been instrumental in providing help to us, as my wife inexorably approached her final days with breast cancer. 
I was asked if I had ever considered becoming a volunteer.   They explained that it was not prudent to expect it of anybody, too soon after a bereavement.     
God’s timing is brilliant!     I could see that if I grasped the opportunity, that it would reinforce what I am wanting to learn and here God was opening the “door of the schoolroom” and giving me the encouragement to walk through it.
 After an initial period of training, I was given the addresses of two men who both have brain tumours.   I have been providing assistance to one man, aged 74, by staying with him while his wife does shopping and has a break out of the house.  The second man (aged 65) lives alone and requires transportation to town from an outlying area so as to shop and also attend doctor’s appointments.   It is uncertain how long each man will survive, as they are both classified “terminal”.   
This has provided me with a very real way in which to put the principles of Matthew 25 into action.  It has been rewarding and at the same time instructional, while dealing with folk who are suffering a condition that is debilitating and where mood swings are also a feature to be dealt with gently.   Dealing with such folk makes me even more appreciative of the truth which I have been blessed to learn.   These folk are totally unaware of God’s plan.  It is timely that with the advice given lately on the forum, I realise more acutely that it is not my place to mention such a topic, unless I am asked about it.  That may never happen in this life, but the time will surely come when they will be able to appreciate how God works and that He had inspired and directed me (and others) to accept the challenge to be of assistance.    It is a “practice run” to qualify for the job ahead, where a complete new system will be in operation during the millennial reign…. On a much grander scale.   
As we read, the time will come when, after enlightenment, they, as well as us, will give God the glory and know the value of their awful suffering and learn why it was designated.
That will include my wife, who would not ever read what Ray wrote……and also her pastor who came to visit but could only offer clichés, in his unsuccessful attempt to comfort her.  He had no real understanding of why suffering is part of the system that God uses to save mankind. 
As Ray taught us (Eccles 3) , there are no “lucky accidents” with God…..everything has its appointed time…
The hours I devote to the Volunteer work might mean I don’t have as much time to sit at the lap-top…..on the plus side, a bit of physical exercise will be good for me.       Thank you all for your warmth.   Colin   

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2015, 04:31:44 AM »

Welcome Colin

I'm not to far from you in New Zealand


Dennis Vogel

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2015, 04:41:49 AM »

Welcome Colin, except you've been lurking for eight years! I think we have hundreds of people just like you who visit this forum but never join.

I'm very pleased you decided to join. Your story should inspire us all.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2015, 10:13:27 AM »

Hi Colin, glad you joined us ole friend  :)
I hope you enjoy the fellowship here as much as I do. I believe you will gain from the discussions as much as we will gain from your contributions. Well you've already made a good start and I'm sure there is much more to come.

Here are the boards and info we have here at the forum you may want to check out.
Forum Rules- General info,3.0.html
Topic- Questions and Truth,4558.0.html
Topic- How this Forum is Moderated,3614.0.html

General discussion board- to ask questions and discuss what is presented at the site.,3.0.html

Child board- FAQ (most frequently asked questions)- above General discussion board,23.0.html

Forum Indexes & Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Videos,8227.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Ray's 2008 Audios,8256.0.html

Transcripts of Audios,12.0.html

Off Topic board- to discuss things that may not directly relate to BT, you will find a good bit of humor,4.0.html

child board- Inspirationals, Writings, Poems, Etc.- above Off Topic board,15.0.html

Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship board- mostly for personal posts,5.0.html

Child boards- Who Am I? (only available to members)- above Testimonies board, members pics and other stuff,16.0.html

Members Recipes- for sharing recipes and food tips,22.0.html

mercy, peace and love
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