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Author Topic: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers  (Read 5511 times)

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Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« on: April 02, 2014, 11:37:00 PM »

I just wanted to share something I did last week that may spur others to promote Jesus in any way possible.

I live about an hour from Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Last Friday night there was a big Christian concert being held there with multiple big name bands playing. The arena holds 15,000 people. I had heard about the show for about a month on the radio, and thought that it would be a good place to promote Jesus as the Savior of the world. I knew God was nudging me to do this.

I wasn't sure if I would make it in time because it was a work night. I worked later than I wanted to, but decided to go anyway when I got home. I asked my wife to go with me, but she didn't want to stand outside and hand out cards. I told her she could go shopping for an hour or so and come pick me up later (plus we could save on parking). No go. So I went by myself. That's OK. I was on a mission. The concert was scheduled for 7pm. I arrived at the arena at 6:30 after searching hard for parking and finally finding a lot for $8. I still had to walk quite a distance to get there.

The joint was jumping and people were streaming into the show. The first set of doors I came to weren't nearly as busy as the entrance up the hill. So I walked up there and surveyed the situation. I wasn't really sure what to do, since I had never done this before. I was nervous, but determined. God had already told me what to say, so that gave me some peace.

I was surprised that no one else was outside the arena preaching, or handing out tracts, which is what I've seen at other shows. But I did this because I believed God told me to go. You never know who is going tho be at these shows. Sure, there will be Christians there. But there will also be a lot of unbelievers that have been invited by friends. Maybe some backsliders, too.

I watched the stream of people roll by, and with a handful of cards I attacked them. Well, not really, I approached them. I simply said the words that God gave me and held out my hand with a card - "Enjoy the show." Everyone I offered to took the card. Usually if it was a group, I would hand a card to the first person, and the rest of the group would stand there with a hand out wanting their own card. I think some of them thought I was with the arena or the bands. I felt guilty when I handed a card to one lady who gave me an overjoyed "Thank you!" I seriously think she thought I was giving her a free ticket into the show.

I talked to a few people, but nothing deep or theological. The last thing I wanted was to get into a debate. I just wanted to hand out cards. Overall I handed out about 100 cards in 30 minutes. For the most part, I was happy with how it went. I think I'll do more things like this in the future. And I hope this has encouraged you to promote our amazing Savior any way possible.

The Cards
The cards I handed out were business card size. I got them through Vistaprint at a very good price. Full color, two sided. On one side is a graphic like a blue sunburst. The title says About Him, and is followed by an explanation of Jesus being the Savior of the world in very small type. The second side has a graphic of a man standing with arms raised to heaven. The title is TheBiggestJesus, followed by a slogan, followed by my website, then an introduction to my book and where they can get it.

I wanted to use a business card for this because people could easily put it in their pocket if they were in a hurry (which most of them were). I envisioned people after the concert going out to eat and discussing the information on the card. The fact that I was the only one handing out information is a plus - no competition for attention. My prayer is that Gos blesses the seeds that were planted, and I believe He will.



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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 09:40:17 AM »

Interesting adventure.
Could you send me your web site by P.M., private message?
Much appreciated.
Indiana Bob

John from Kentucky

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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2014, 03:13:51 PM »

We do not have to save people or try to convert them or teach them.

Jesus is Savior.  That's His job.  He is very good at it.

The Scriptures do tell us to give an answer to those that ask us.

Here is a little something Ray wrote on this subject.


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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2014, 04:10:03 PM »

wes, i commend your efforts which you believe were directed by God.  don't let jfk frustrate or disillusion you.  i believe there is always blessing when you speak of the salvation of all by Christ Jesus.  even if you say nothing at all and instead just hand out a small card.  i did the same with the business cards that were printed up with this website and ray's name on them.  perhaps there were some people who came to this website to see what it was about because of those cards.  and in doing so, perhaps some of those people were drawn by God to Christ.  yes, those cards were not about "saving" souls per se, but who of us can say some souls might not have been saved by what they found on this site because of ray's cards. 

so wes, i say carry on with the good that God has caused in your heart by His grace and love.  seeds planted are either watered and nourished by the Gardener of All by His Spirit, or seeds wither and die, also of the Sovereign Gardener's knowledge and purpose.  but praise to God and all glory to Him for causing you to desire in your graced heart, to sow seeds of good and lovingkindness, pointing to the Light of Jesus Christ.  that cannot be a bad thing.  ever.   8)


Mike Gagne

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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2014, 05:46:45 PM »

Well if God is sovereign in all, then he is sovereign in your life, the concert goers life and everyone who replies to this.... :D
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 12:44:05 PM by Mike Gagne »

Ian 155

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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2014, 09:46:04 AM »

Wes I see you are a new brother and I think we all at one stage or another felt we had to help God out . We use our own understanding of what pleases God by taking  what we learned in the world and trying to put it into practice in our idea of the kingdom - 

This is demonic doctrine, which I'm happy to say is about to leave you, though it may shriek a while at the thought of having to go, you will be set free of its hold - praise God.

We do not have to do anything that would make or cause God to love us .... he does,

We do not have to promote him,  he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, this was granted him by our Father.

I would venture to suggest that when one of these outreach evenings that we took to go out and witness, actually caused me more damage than good, as we know, the nature of the beast loves the achievement side of life

You did not arrived here by accident so why not go thru some of the material freely available on this site and your understanding will grow. also as i have done so many times,beg God to open your spiritual eyes and ears so that you may see and hear clearly.

A time will come when you will be ready to be sent out and truly bring in a harvest so big, your net will take strain

May the Lord himself keep you and prosper you in all things spiritual



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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2014, 04:17:08 PM »

You followed your convictions. I'd like to see your website too Wes. Can you please PM me the link? Thanks!


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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2014, 08:11:07 AM »

Rom 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Rom 10:15  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Notice Ray said many of these, he did not say all all of these in his statement.  Many of these two billion Christians are the result of huge winning souls for Jesus campaigns, rallies, revivals and conferences.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 08:23:40 AM by Rick »

Ian 155

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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2014, 12:47:31 PM »

Yes agreed no one should judge what others do if by a willing heart, I too know this outreach thing and I despised it in my heart so I suppose we, what ever or how ever one gets led, that he will do -

I think i will set up a hot dog cart at the next outreach.I will then bless each dog and then sell them for max profit and at the end of each dog have my website detail and my next book and and and ...

To preach the gospel as did Paul was slightly different to the Rock stadium effect let me say this, if you do teach and you lie this is serious and there are serious implications... we need to be well grounded however, if you read the original post, he Wes, was on a marketing exercise not a preaching one.



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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2014, 06:56:28 PM »

What is Bible- truths if not an outreach to believers and non believers alike? It's not about winning souls for Christ, which Ray spoke against . It's about spreading the gospel of Christ.  Reading the scripture below it says we have a message of reconciliation. I want to spread that message in word and actions. He makes His appeal THROUGH us. So show up and speak up.  :).

All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.  II Cor. 5:18-

Nelson Boils

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Re: Promoting the Savior of the World to Concertgoers
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2016, 07:21:36 PM »

Luke 16:9 "And I say to you,make FRIENDS for yourselves using the wealth of this life,so that when it comes to the end,you can be taken into eternal resting places."

Matt 25:41 "Then He will also say to those on the left hand,"Depart from me,you cursed,into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels;for I was hungry,and you did not give me food to eat;I was thirsty and you gave me no drink;I was a stranger,and you did not take me in;naked,and you did not clothe me;sick,and in prison,and you did not visit me."

Matt 25:25 "But I was afraid and hid your talent into the ground.."
Matt 25:26 "But His master answered,'Evil and lazy slave."
"O wicked servant and cowardly"(EBR)
"You worthless and hesitating slave."(JMNT)

"We have a big and important work to do, BUT I DON'T HAVE MANY HELPERS. Many "talk the talk," but they don't "walk the walk.Occasionally, one actually TURNS TO GOD and sees the big picture." L.Ray Smith

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