> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings


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Hello everyone, i am new to the forum but not new to the website. I have been using this website for quite some time. For whatever reason I've been reluctant in joining the forum maybe because i wasn't sure that everyone on here knew what I've learned and that i wouldn't get much more learning from others here. Ive visited the forum a couple times as well, but I just felt overwhelmed with all the pages of people's questions, thoughts, and replies. Even though it is still overwhelming, I guess I just want to know that there's others out there who have the same knowledge as I do.

Anyway, my name is Noel, my username is noelsjoy, and I'm in Arizona


--- Quote from: noelsjoy on June 15, 2016, 06:56:46 PM ---Hello everyone, i am new to the forum but not new to the website. I have been using this website for quite some time. For whatever reason I've been reluctant in joining the forum maybe because i wasn't sure that everyone on here knew what I've learned and that i wouldn't get much more learning from others here. Ive visited the forum a couple times as well, but I just felt overwhelmed with all the pages of people's questions, thoughts, and replies. Even though it is still overwhelming, I guess I just want to know that there's others out there who have the same knowledge as I do.

Anyway, my name is Noel, my username is noelsjoy, and I'm in Arizona

--- End quote ---

Welcome Noel! Glad you joined us! Hope you will share your questions and thoughts with us.

My name is Alex, I'm from California but currently reside in Virginia! :)

Welcome Noel, nice to have you here.

We are all different here, we each have different levels of understanding and knowledge, and we obviously are not perfect.  ;) But I hope you'll stick around and fellowship with us.

In response to your comment about everyone here knowing what you've learned...all of us here (as far as I know) share the hope of the restoration of all things, and a firm belief in the sovereignty of God. Most of us learned these truths from the writings of L. Ray Smith, and the forum is for discussion of such things. Some of us may have beliefs we've learned from other writers, or from our own personal study, but we don't discuss them here. There is a no teaching rule, which is a great help in keeping things civil (people can get very nasty on the Internet!)

And in response to your comment that you may not get more learning from others here...I can say joining the forum has added greatly to my knowledge of the truths I learned from Ray. It may not be an exaggeration to say that I've learned just as much from my brothers and sisters on the forum as I learned from Ray.  :)

Welcome Noel!
Ditto what Alex and Jesse said.   :)

-Vicki from Canada


Hi Noel
I'm glad you have joined us  :)
Well I think you should do just find here, we're all here to fellowship with other believers and I find different perspective on these many subjects we are studying can be really helpful. Also here on the forum we have Bible studies and conferences on audio, video and transcribed, besides that which is on the main Bible-truths site. Here is a list of the different boards and info we have here at the forum that you may want to check out.

Forum Rules- General info board
Topic- Questions and Truth 
Topic- How this Forum is Moderated

Emails to Ray board

Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings board
Sub boards- http://forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/board,14.0.html
Topic ~Categorized list of Ray's emails~
Topic ~Outline of Bible-Truths Web Site~
Topic ~Paypal Address For Supporting Bible-Truths
Topic ~Timelines
Topic ~E-Sword and more study helps
Topic ~sending personal messages (PM)

Forum Indexes & Info.

Ray's Videos

Ray's Audios 

Ray's 2008 Audios

Transcripts of Audios

General discussion board- to ask questions and discuss what is presented at the Bible-truths.com site.

Child board- FAQ (most frequently asked questions)- above General discussion board

Off Topic board- to discuss things that may not directly relate to BT, you will find a good bit of humor

child board- Inspirationals, Writings, Poems, Etc.- above Off Topic board

Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship board- mostly for personal posts

Child boards- Who Am I? (only available to members)- above Testimonies board, members pics and other stuff

Members Recipes- for sharing recipes and food tips

mercy, peace and love


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