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Author Topic: Movies  (Read 3593 times)

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« on: July 07, 2016, 07:06:00 PM »

Kat commented on another thread about how she questions herself when she inwardly cheers as the "hero" in the movie gets the bad guys.  Maybe I should search that out and use a real quote:
...I just read a whole bunch of threads and can't remember which one it was on...sorry!

I am noticing more over the years how my heart can be craftily led in certain directions when watching movies or reading books.  It is a like a little glimpse into how we can be led and trapped in our lives.  You start a movie with no emotional attachment to any of the characters and you watch your heart swing left and right as the director of the movie pulls the strings. 
I have been shocked to find my heart cheering for adultery -"but the husband is so awful and this other guy is so wonderful for her!", for violence - "come on little guy, get him back!  Put him in his place!", for all kinds of evil that I (hopefully) wouldn't cheer for on a remote and intellectual level. It seems like God has an impossible task to turn all this head knowledge into my very hearts desire.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2016, 02:23:42 AM »

I hope I didn't insinuate that Kat has/had this same experience, it was just her comment that reminded me about this odd facet of "entertainment" that reflects life.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2016, 04:10:15 AM »

lostANDfound -

The RE NEW ING of your mind is the key.

When He drags a member of His Elect out of the world He gives them a new heart - to desire His Commandments and to Do Right.

He also expects His Elect to continually (daily) renew their minds - in order to have the mind of Christ.

I understand that we must check all that we learnt and filter it - in order to keep that which is TRUE and that which is NOT TRUE.

In the world it is impossible to prove any truth - but in Him, His Spirit Teaches His Elect All Truth and His Truth sets us free.

The mind is the key - as you can then check the desires of your heart.

In all this - the Elect must ask Him to cleanse them from all UN TRUTHS and filthiness.

Ray taught that all things start from the desires of our hearts, and then our minds kick in, before we speak or do anything.

I hope this helps a little.

Kind Regards.




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Re: Movies
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2016, 11:00:20 AM »

Hi LostANDfound, yes I remember making a comment like that. It is interesting how a movie does create such emotional responses in us... I believe it is the directors intentions, thinking evoking our emotions proves their movie is real-to-life, of course having good actors is a plus.

I do like to watch movies that depict different eras, I feel I get a little glimpse into different time periods of history and the ways people may have lived. So now what I'm trying to evaluate 'my reactions' according to what I have come to understand as right and wrong. I mean the movies creates a story and allow us to get a view of a lot of the not usually seen/known of how people think and live (which may be a good comparison to real life)... so I now judge my reactions and then consider where I may need to make adjustment in my emotional thinking. So if I am conscious of how a movie is making me feel, then it gives me a chance to think about how my 'emotional' reactions are not always right or good. So realizing this I begin to see how I need to be careful in getting caught up in the emotions of a movie (or in real life situations), learning to deal with things better is always good.

But anyway just wanted to say I understand where you are coming from, as my previous comment indicated.

mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 08:30:51 PM by Kat »
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