> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings


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Welcome to the forum Joe. 

Don't worry, God will humble you in time and you WILL become a "softer" person. :)


Hi Joe, welcome to the forum.

Praise the Lord Joe, welcome welcome welcome. Taste and see how good our Lord is.  :)

Hello Joe!  My life seems to parallel yours in a few ways.  I'm a homeschooling mom of three and although we are scraping by financially on one income I too have a desire to sell the house, buy a big enough travel trailer and a scrap of land and hop on out of the rat race.  My husband is a bit more of a realist than me so it hasn't happened yet.   ;). Welcome to the forum!

Hi Joe,  Always nice to have a new brother join the forum. You've come to the right place if it's the truth you're after. " the truth will set you free" I never knew what that meant till I started to study Brother Smith's articles on the scriptures. Look forward to your comments and spirit on the forum.  " The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit" :)


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