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Genesis 1:26


Greetings to all. I am new here.
I hope someone can help me here. I was reading instalment XVI Part D4. In this paper on page 8 (Gehenna Fire Judgement) Rae says and I quote "And creating is God humanity in His Image." (Concordant Literal Old Testament)." I am very confused, because I purchased the CVOT and it says "And Elohim said:Let Us make humanity in Our image..." Can anyone please help me here?
I apologise if this question was addressed before but I cannot find anything that answers my question on any searches.


--- Quote from: Kenneth on October 25, 2016, 06:56:51 PM ---Greetings to all. I am new here.
I hope someone can help me here. I was reading instalment XVI Part D4. In this paper on page 8 (Gehenna Fire Judgement) Rae says and I quote "And creating is God humanity in His Image." (Concordant Literal Old Testament)." I am very confused, because I purchased the CVOT and it says "And Elohim said:Let Us make humanity in Our image..." Can anyone please help me here?
I apologise if this question was addressed before but I cannot find anything that answers my question on any searches.

--- End quote ---


The concordant recently made this change but if you own an older version of the concordant bible you would find what ray did. You can use a greek interlinear analyzer to see this too though. Use esword and the older concordant translation, all of which is free online for download, to see this too.

See this link for those resources: http://forums.bible-truths.com/index.php/topic,4470.0.html

Here is the older concordant version youll want for esword: http://www.biblesupport.com/e-sword-downloads/file/2651-concordant-literal-version-clt-2003bblxexe/

God bkess,

Dave in Tenn:
Welcome, Kenneth.

I also found a recent thread on the subject.  Click on this link:


Thanks so much for the help.

Hi Kenneth, welcome to the forum.


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