It's truly a blessing to be here.
From my earliest memories God was a scary dude and the source of many childhood nightmares.
My grandfather was a southern baptist minister and believed a healthy dose of hellfire and brimstone in every sermon was key to salvation.
In my early 20's I answered the door to Jehovah's Witnesses and was ripe for the message they shared...No hell?!... I was in! No matter I could not feel God or his love, he was after all going to kill billions of people even if he wasn't going to burn them for an eternity. I was just trading one insane god for another.
Early 2015 God led me to information that rocked my world and I walked away. I believed for a time there was no truth to be found, so licked my wounds and continued on with my life.
Months later I started to wonder if there could be a truth, because I found it impossible to accept there wasn't a creator in all of the magnificance around me. One day I talked to God while I sat at my computer, and told him how much I needed to know if there was any truth to be found and begged him to lead me to it if there was.
Within minutes I was moved to type specific keywords... Bible truths. In one click I was on Now that is the power of God!
After a year of reading all of Rays teachings, I can for the first time in my life feel God's love.
This past year has been filled with almost unbearable tribulation but, I've been able to hang in there because I know God is doing this for my own good and I view it as a blessing. God really is love.