> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings

Introduction Mikefrom Canada

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Hi everyone! I'm glad to be on this forum, I'm up in Ontario Canada, I've been reading this site since about 2004, I had been awayt from it for some time, but I've recently been rereading much of Ray's material, wishing I'd have dug into it sooner as he had a humble attitude towards searching for the truth.

Is there somewhere where all the audios ray did are?  Also, listening in on Rays bible studies, do anyone of you meet up for fellowship at all anymore (like in a private home setting)?. 

Thanks for having me here i look forward to meeting more of you Lord willing


Dave in Tenn:
Hi Mike.  It's good to meet you.  I'm not aware of any audios not in this list.:


and the transcripts for these are here:


Hi Mike and welcome to the forum. :)

All the audios are located at the link that Dave provided.  I have listened to these bible studies many times over the years, and continue to feel inspired by the teachings. 


Welcome Mike!  I think a lot of us read for a long time before actually joining the forum and felt like we "knew" some of the people around here.  I hope you enjoy learning and sharing here.  I'm a fellow Canadian, in Alberta.  I don't think there are very many Canuks on the forum but considering distances you are probably geographically closer to a lot of Americans here.

Welcome Mike, may God bless your journey for the truth.



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