I wanted to let you all know how I came to the Lord since you all were so kind to give me a chance here. When I was a little girl my mother took me and my brother to church. My Daddy didn't go with us. He had a bit of a drinking problem. After their divorce we were pretty much left on our own. My mama took us to church most Sundays at first but then the dating life started, some other things happened and she didn't want to be our mama anymore. This she told me later after I was grown.At that time we had to catch a ride to any church with anyone we knew who went. After I got driving age, I had to drive me and my little brother. I was so mad at God because I had to be the adult instead of a teen-ager. I worked a job to pay bills starting at age 14, made sure my brother had food to eat and clothes to wear. I had a lot of rage and then I found liquor. I dulled the pain of my life and made me relaxed. Mama's rule was if we didn't go to church on Sunday morning, we couldn't go out with our friends that week. That is the only reason I went. While I was saying litanies and prayers , I was planning my next "party time" in my mind. A friend had told me "once saved always saved" so you could do what you wanted and God had to forgive you. Believe me, I lived it! During this time I was drinking a quart of Jack Daniel's about every 2 days. Still working, going to school , keeping my grades on A-B level and raising my brother. I didn't want God in my life. I was mad at God but one Sunday morning, something, I guess the Holy Spirit , wouldn't let me go. It felt like as soon as my left foot turned, I was carrried to the altar. to pray. To make another long part shorter, I got married, my husband felt "called": to the misistry and we did the "church thing. I tried to be like other church people in dress, what I said and so on. We both finally realized it wasn't about the external things but what was inside and we lived accordingly. Needless to say, we were not accepted very well by the "church People" then because we were raising questions and usually getting answers like " that is how we have always done it". In short, we left that church and even though we have little money we now are in a church of people who focus only on what God leads them to do. Our main thing is " loving others as we love ourselves". We don't ask questions just help people. sorry for the length but I wanted you to know where I come from. Jennie