> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings


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Welcome to the BT forum Mark. Knowing Our Father is in control of everything is the best thing ever.Thanks be to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   Pamela

Yes, it's a tremendous comfort to understand that we really have no choice whatsoever in the matter of our salvation, in any sense of the word, and that we actually don't have any choice about anything. Still, that's not how it appears or how it's experienced on the ground. Making choices is necessary. And don't we pray for guidance in making the right ones? But it's the understanding that God is in complete, total control, even insofar as orchestrating the activity of each and every neuron in the universe, that provides a real sense of rest and freedom. It's entirely impossible for anything, anywhere, at anytime to be amiss, regardless of appearance. God has cheated, and revealed the end of the whole story before it's been completely told, and it's a very happy ending.

welcome to the forum, mark.


Welcome to the forum Mark

Hi Mark and welcome to our special place...

Lots of friendly help and support is here to use and benefit from.

Thanks for joining us and please contribute often.
Indiana Bob


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