> Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings


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Welcome Rob.

I'm often so overwhelmed with gratitude that God has shown us so much mercy.

I'm even more overwhelmed and blessed to find God's family here and very thankful for Ray's teaching.

I too look forward to learning from all that are here.

Welcome to the forum, Rob.

Look forward for your input and fellowship.  The truths of scripture are in direct conflict with the doctrines of man and tradition.  I understand where you come from.

God bless,


Hello Rob,

i also am a Newbie here having just signed up on the forum last week. Although I have been reading some off and on for about 6 months. I know you will find a warm welcome here because I have.

I also was in the charismatic churches and know somewhat where you are coming from. May God continue to give us "ears to hear" His truth.



Welcome to the forum.   ;D  Looking forward to more posts from you.  This is a wonderful place to share your struggles, questions and just to have like-minded believers to talk with.  I hope you find it to be a blessing in your life.


Greetings Rob in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. I too am new and have to introduce myself to the forum. Just haven't had time yet, but your testimony struck home so much. I too am a ordained minister but cannot preach the true gospel of Jesus to those who need it so much. Anyway, I know how you feel about family and those around you. They are blind because God has not opened their eyes yet! We are so fortunate that He has opened ours and can really enjoy the true word of God, the truth that sets us apart and FREE.
I have read Ray's work for a year now, sometimes over and over. When you have spiritual eyes and ears that can hear we just can't understand how "the blind" cannot see. But we know that it is in God's good timing that everything must happen.
Well, God Bless and will be talking with you again soon.

In Christ Service,



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