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Greetings from Wales

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Hello Cherry from wet Wales, I'm from sunny Florida.
It's always great to welcome like minded folks to the forum.


Dennis Vogel:
Hello Cherry, I'm very glad you're here.


Dave in Tenn:

--- Quote from: Cherry (Terry Allen) on February 05, 2019, 09:56:31 PM ---                       Hey Joel and Dave! Thanks.
               Dave I remember you from over 10 years ago when I was Terry Ohm from Minnesota.  It's nice to be back and fun to recognize someone.

--- End quote ---

I'm pretty sure I remember you, but did you use a different username back then?  Start with "m"?  Sorry if I've got you mixed up.


--- Quote from: Dave in Tenn on February 06, 2019, 11:12:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: Cherry (Terry Allen) on February 05, 2019, 09:56:31 PM ---                       Hey Joel and Dave! Thanks.
               Dave I remember you from over 10 years ago when I was Terry Ohm from Minnesota.  It's nice to be back and fun to recognize someone.
   Hahahaha funny that, Dave I might have but can't remember myself.

--- End quote ---
I'm pretty sure I remember you, but did you use a different username back then?  Start with "m"?  Sorry if I've got you mixed up.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Dennis Vogel on February 06, 2019, 10:19:46 AM ---Hello Cherry, I'm very glad you're here.


--- End quote ---
                          Thank you Dennis!


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