Persecution came a calling today. The whole thing was crazy. My son who lives in Germany called, which was odd because we just talked Sunday. After an hour the Conversation took a turn to the dark side, which in this case would be my sons disdain for the president. Not something I normally let happen if I can work around it, but this time he got a jump on me. I let him rage on for a bit before I interupted him. His father just hangs up on him, but i usually hang in there until he either eats his words or comes to his senses, this time was no different.
We had been discussing the possibility of he and his family staying in Germany, after my daughter-n-law retires from the army in a couple years, and I agreed it might be better for the grandkids. At some point, not sure when, I matter of Factly said, don't worry, there will be a Kingdom coming where everyone lives in peace and happines. Yep, just like that the beast was awakened. He was livid, I've never seen my kind, gentle and loving son so enraged, not even by politics.
I should add I never discuss God with either of my sons, because I gave them over to him a while ago. Not even when there was a discussion about taking my little grandaughter to Catholic Church, so I was shocked that came out of my mouth.
If you've never heard one of your children tell God to "F" himself Repeatedly , consider yourself blessed. I normally have very good blood pressure, but I could feel it rising, felt like either my face or head was going to explode.I seriously wanted to reach through the phone, but through the grace of God I was able to maintain composure
He told me I was living a myth, and I needed to realize that and walk away from any fairytale notion of there being a God. At that moment, the strength and boldness of Jesus came out of me, and I told him that was never going to happen, and I would declare my belief in God with my dying breath. Miraculously that calmed him, and he apologized for getting so upset. He had one more thing to say though, if he ever sees God he's going to tell him how he feels. I said, maybe not, I have a strong feeling you'll be weeping to much to say anything. He asked why I thought that. I told him of a dream I'd recently had, where he, his brother and myself were standing in the presence of Gods glory, and they both were weeping with awe and shock from the love and peace that was in and before them. They looked to me, as if to say, how did you know. His reply, " I don't believe that will ever happen, but it would be great if it did". He said mom, you're one of the sweetest kindest people I've ever known, of course you found a happy ending.
Our conversation ended with me telling him I understood how he feels, considering all the deceptions of religion, and would pray for Gods will to be done his life, as he had done in my own.