Comment about abortion from an old fellow who knows only a little.
In my memory the abortion subject became important to some folks when it became known that wealthy couples could go to a foreign nation a get an abortion, while poor couples or women were deprived of that opportunity because they could not travel or couldn't afford it. Some of course just went across the border to places like Mexico and had their abortion, but risked injury or death from an unlicensed operator.
So wanting to protect poor or disfranchised people from injury the supporters of abortion for convenience as well as for medical needs filed law suits. At first this change effected only a minority of women, but as abortion clinics became more available, more and more couples opted to use abortion as birth control and that was the beginning of the catastrophe that led to wholesale killing of healthy children.
My own wife of 61 years had seven pregnancies and was able to deliver four healthy children who are with us today. The other three were aborted spontaneously at about 6-9 weeks if I recall. The third event required a D & C. Likely because my wife worked full time and possibly strained herself caring for me and the other children.
As a young married male...I had a lot to learn about parenting.
My lovely wife was very patient.