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End of age

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Every generation has had reasons to believe they are the last,that the end will come in their time. What do you think makes our generation unique?


--- Quote from: Na on March 25, 2023, 02:53:34 PM --- What do you think makes our generation unique?

--- End quote ---

The fact that we live in the age of the internet and World Wide Web, and its ability to disseminate information, is quite unique to human history.  I often wonder if this is the fulfillment of Matt. 24:14:

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."  ESV

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."  KJV

"And this glad message of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the inhabited earth, for a witness unto all the nations,—and, then, will have come, the end." - Rotherham


--- Quote from: Na on March 25, 2023, 02:53:34 PM ---Every generation has had reasons to believe they are the last,that the end will come in their time. What do you think makes our generation unique?

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Here below is a short quote that may be apropos the age we are living in today.
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The Judgment Is Upon Us
Let the great Richard Sibbes explain why the situation we are in is so dire.

“When sin grows ripe, and abounds in a land or nation, at such a time as this a man may know there is some fearful judgment approaching. But when is sin ripe? When it is impudent, when men grow bold in sin, making it their whole course and trade of life. When men’s wicked courses are their common lifestyle, and they don’t even know how to do otherwise . . . The more sin, the more danger. When men are secure in their sinning, it is as if they are daring the God of heaven to do his worst.”

Richard Sibbes, Refreshment for the Soul, p. 76.

Consistent believers are not in that position. We do not want God to do His worst. We do, however, want God to do what it takes. Our prayer should be that God would do what it takes to bring us to the point of humble repentance. To want Him to do more than it takes would be vindictive, and we don’t want to be that. But we should want Him to do whatever it takes. As we watch the walls disintegrate around us, our prayer should be that this is judgment driving toward mercy, and not judgment as a harbinger of more judgment.

America will not repent when America decides to. America will repent when God has humbled her, and it does look as though we have a ways to go yet. If God turns us (Ps. 80 Open in Logos Bible Software (if available);), then we will be turned—but only then. We cannot turn ourselves, unless it is in circles, and which we have already mastered.

Scripture teaches that God judges nations, and that He judges nations for doing the very things we are in the middle of doing, and with a high hand. If we don’t want a devastating blow to fall on us, then we should stop inviting it.

Dave in Tenn:
I'm not sure every generation has had reasons to believe they were the last.  Maybe yes...maybe no.  But I am sure that for the last several decades there have been ever-growing voices in the church "teaching" it--different theories, different spins but the same underlying message.  So it is at least conceivable to me that this is in large measure the current generation's "reason to believe".

And a side note:

1Pe 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:      

Good point David.
We are best off just being patient and living our lives as best we can being strengthened by God's spirit.

Even when Peter was writing to his own people Israel, there was hope of a quick return of Lord Jesus as shown in
1Peter 2:9 and 2:12 where Peter compares his fellow Israelites with wicked gentiles, comparing them as strangers and pilgrims among others in the world.


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