> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship

Remember my son in your prayers

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The hives have completely cleared up! The doctors are thinking it was something he ate within the last 24 hours, so we are taking note of all the things he ate. Thanks, everyone!


--- Quote from: Porter on September 04, 2023, 11:39:14 PM ---The hives have completely cleared up! The doctors are thinking it was something he ate within the last 24 hours, so we are taking note of all the things he ate. Thanks, everyone!

--- End quote ---

Praise God. Thank you, Lord.  Awesome to hear, Porter!

Just logged in to BT and saw your posts; so thankful to God that your son is okay; sooo scary when it comes to our children and not knowing what is causing their illnesses/allergies


My daughter had this happen to her as a child and in college .  It turned out that rice was a trigger for her and also activity.  I’m so thankful for you all that he is better.


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