> General Discussions
I’d like to take a sharp turn and change subjects. I was talking with a friend and his one big objection to the Rich man and Lazarus being a parable is Lazarus being named. Ray addresses this when he talks about it and says that there are parables in the Old Testament that use proper names. I can’t find what he was referring to but I’m sure it’s there somewhere. Can you think of a parable in the OT that uses someones name ?
I only know of one that I can remember Octoberose.
Paul said “ Alexander the coppersmith did me dirty “ or something like that
but there are a few more as Ray has attested to.
mike kyner:
I'VE heard the proper name bit also but what difference would it make?
Oh, it’s common among , well, everyone who goes to typical churches to say that the Rich Man and Lazarus is not a parable because they say it would be the only place in the Bible where a parable has someones name. Why that matters to them is beyond me but it does and they believe in heaven and ‘hell’ based on that parable, that we know is not a parable.
I might have found one in Ezekiel, as soon as I find it again I’ll let ou know !
--- Quote from: octoberose on October 22, 2023, 12:56:51 AM ---Oh, it’s common among , well, everyone who goes to typical churches to say that the Rich Man and Lazarus is not a parable because they say it would be the only place in the Bible where a parable has someones name. Why that matters to them is beyond me but it does and they believe in heaven and ‘hell’ based on that parable, that we know is not a parable.
I might have found one in Ezekiel, as soon as I find it again I’ll let ou know !
--- End quote ---
Could it be The Parable of the Two Sisters, Oholah and Oholibah in Ezekiel 23?
Ezekiel 23:4
New King James Version
4 Their names: Oholah the elder and Oholibah her sister;
They were Mine,
And they bore sons and daughters.
As for their names,
Samaria is Oholah, and Jerusalem is Oholibah.
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