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What is intelligent design


I just watched an excellent interview and believe it or not it was
on TBN. Kirk Cameron, yep , you heard me right  ;D interviewed
Stephen C. Meyer.

Title…. Stephen C. Meyer: What is intelligent design? Scientific Proof Of God.

It’s really good, everything Ray taught us. A must see.

And God made Kirk ask all the right questions, hee,hee hee .

Thankyou to Dennis, you have been busy on You Tube. So exciting. I look forward
to seeing more and more. May God give you strength to continue Dennis.
Praise the Lord , for He is glorious. Praise His Holy Name.

I am watching it now.  Very interesting thus far.  Thank you!

Dennis Vogel:

--- Quote from: Musterseed on November 20, 2023, 08:39:41 PM ---Thankyou to Dennis, you have been busy on You Tube. So exciting. I look forward
to seeing more and more. May God give you strength to continue Dennis.
Praise the Lord , for He is glorious. Praise His Holy Name.

--- End quote ---

Thank you. I am blessed to find a way to clone Ray's voice and stay busy.


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