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Happy Turkey Day!

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“May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey be plump. May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs!” —Anonymous. 8)


😂😂😂good one

Happy Thanksgiving everyone 🥰

Good day to one and all,
I am especially blessed and thankful on this day of remembrance and just wanted to share my blessings, even if selfishly.

I am the husband of a beautiful woman who has gracefully served me all these 62 years without complaint and by her love and patience has contributed greatly to my growth in grace and knowledge of God's bounty.

We are the parents of four beautiful children the youngest of which is 53 this year.

Each of the children has a unique personality, but with their individuality still respects my beliefs about the Creator God and has never allowed our separate God given understanding to bring any stress to our familial love.

It is apparent to me that God has had His hand on my life in many ways, even with the challenges of illness and loss that have been a part of my life.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and may we all appreciate this life of contrasts that God provides to teach us how to love righteously.

Glad you liked it, Wendy.  :)
Thank you, Bob, I can relate with a lot of what you said. I'm “only” 51 and have been with my wife for more than half my life, and I really couldn't be more blessed by her presence. My wife and kids may not believe what we believe here, but they seem pretty cool with it.

Peace to all.


--- Quote from: Porter on November 23, 2023, 07:39:52 PM ---“May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey be plump. May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs rump!” —Anonymous. 8)

--- End quote ---

Fixed the quote  ;D

Along with the rest of society its too bad that Thanksgiving has become to be about stuffing your face and watching football more than being thankful to God for his manifold blessings.  All we have to do is look around the world and see just how blessed we actually are.  And on a personal basis we have been blessed to know some truths that have released us from the fear that keeps most of the Christianized world yet in their bondage.  How many believers are in constant agony not able to grow in their own salvation experience as they believe that beloved mom's/dad's/aunt's/uncle's/brother's/sister's never came to the knowledge of the truth and have been told they are in hell with no hope of escape? 

There is enough stresses in the world today without having to carry that baggage along with everything else.  Everytime I'm tempted to think that things aren't going too good God hauls me back up to see just how blessed that I really am.


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