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Happy Turkey Day!

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Good day Arion,
Reading your message and noted your location in Michigan and thought that you were not too far from me in Northern Indiana.
Then checked the google map to find that Marquette is almost in Canada.
So how is the winter weather in Marquette?

Does being on Lake Superior moderate the temperature to some degree?
I am really looking forward to the time when we will be together in the Kingdom.
Regards, Indy Bob

1Corth.4-9. ERV

I always thank my God for you because of the grace that He has given you
through Christ Jesus. In Him you have been blessed in every way. You have been
blessed in all your speaking and all your knowledge.This proves that what we told you about Christ is true.Now you have every gift from God while you wait for our
Lord Jesus Christ to come again. He will keep you strong until the end so that on
the day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes, you will be free from all blame. God is faithful. He is the one who has chosen you to share life with His Son Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Thanks be to Our Lord, Jesus / Jehovah.

Our turkey day was last month but every day is thanksgiving and we have so
much. God has blessed us greatly with gold only few know about.
Arion you are not far from me either, I’m in Nova Scotia,  Canada. The sun is
blazing here and still insects flying around, people are still golfing. We haven’t
had snow yet. I- Bob , being in the Kingdom is all I think about anymore.
Will be so awesome, we can say , “ finally Lord, AT LAST. “:D

HAPPY thanksgiving to you Porter, Wendy and all who love God’s word.


--- Quote from: indianabob on November 25, 2023, 12:50:37 PM ---Good day Arion,
Reading your message and noted your location in Michigan and thought that you were not too far from me in Northern Indiana.
Then checked the google map to find that Marquette is almost in Canada.
So how is the winter weather in Marquette?

Does being on Lake Superior moderate the temperature to some degree?
I am really looking forward to the time when we will be together in the Kingdom.
Regards, Indy Bob

--- End quote ---

Hey Bob;

Usually winters are pretty bad up here but so far it's been very mild and I'm looking out at bare ground right now.  Not too many years ago we measured 320 inches of snowfall for the season at the airport so you never know.  Lake Superior is a large heat sink so living right by the lake early in the season we are warmer than other places and while others are getting snow we are getting rain.  The opposite end of the spectrum is in early spring inland can be getting up to sixty degrees away from the lake and because we are getting the relatively cold air off of the lake we will be in the forty degree range.

Pretty blessed up here with a relatively low population as my township is 180 square miles and has a population of only 700 people and lots of fresh water and abundant wildlife.  I'm still working (retire next year God willing) a security job for a remote compound and I have seen moose, bear, wolves, coyotes, bobcat, lynx, pine martens and even river otters.  I once had a bear look in the window at me while I was having my morning coffee so you never know what you are going to see.  A couple of our people saw a mountain lion.  We've caught them on the trail cameras but I've been here for over 20 years and haven't seen one so I know they are around.

As long as you can bear the cold and snow its not a bad place to live whatsoever....especially if you don't like crowds.   ;D


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