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Daily Dose Of Wisdom

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Great scripture Ralph, thanks and there are so many more.

Psalm 104:24…..O Lord , how manifold are your works? In wisdom you
have made them all. Earth is full of your creatures.

Job 28:12….. But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?
13…. Man does not know its worth, and it is not found in the land of the living.

1Cor. 3:19…. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness ( Greek, stupidity)
with God. For it is written , He takes the wise in their own craftiness.

Rom.11:33…. Oh the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are His judgments and inscrutable ( mysterious) are His ways?

People ask questions about the universe and God answers but they don’t believe.
But they will . When Thy judgements are in the earth. Isaiah 26:9.

Jer. 31:35…. Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed
order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that
it’s waves roar…….. The Lord of hosts is His name.

Seems the waves are roaring more and more every day.
Even so. Come word Jesus .

I saw this email below that was sent to Ray and in reading Ray’s response, made me think of you and the scriptures that you and Ralph shared on this post. Just wanted to share.

Thank you Lord for continuing to open our eyes, ears and hearts toward YOU!!

Mr. Smith, could I...maybe have some proof for the existence of God? I'm no atheist, by any means, but I'm having doubts due to certain circumstances. I feel like... "Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief."

I apologize for asking due to your physical health. Please forgive me. If possible, would you respond? Even a small amount of text would help.

God bless you.


Dear Ian:

The greatest proof that you could possibly have that there is an invisible, spirit God,
is the very fact that you exist and are able to ask such a question in the first place.
You, your body with its trillions of cells, your brain, and your mind, is a mechanism
so complex that it defies imagination.  Within our own being, and within the creation
surrounding us, there are billions of little universes that can only be the Intelligent
Design of an awesome Intelligent Designer.  Read the material on my site, and don't
look for shortcuts.

God be with you,


Thank you very much Nett.

I will join you in thanking Our Lord for opening
our hearts and minds to His wisdom ,the wisdom
that is the principle thing as Ray taught in Does God Learn?

God Bless You all and keep praying for wisdom and endurance.

In Christ, Pamela


--- Quote from: Musterseed on January 17, 2024, 04:24:10 PM ---Great scripture Ralph, thanks and there are so many more.

Psalm 104:24…..O Lord , how manifold are your works? In wisdom you
have made them all. Earth is full of your creatures.

Job 28:12….. But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?
13…. Man does not know its worth, and it is not found in the land of the living.

1Cor. 3:19…. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness ( Greek, stupidity)
with God. For it is written , He takes the wise in their own craftiness.

Rom.11:33…. Oh the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are His judgments and inscrutable ( mysterious) are His ways?

People ask questions about the universe and God answers but they don’t believe.
But they will . When Thy judgements are in the earth. Isaiah 26:9.

Jer. 31:35…. Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed
order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that
it’s waves roar…….. The Lord of hosts is His name.

Seems the waves are roaring more and more every day.
Even so. Come word Jesus .

--- End quote ---

You're welcome and thank you for sharing these.


--- Quote from: Nett on January 18, 2024, 05:30:32 PM ---Musterseed,
I saw this email below that was sent to Ray and in reading Ray’s response, made me think of you and the scriptures that you and Ralph shared on this post. Just wanted to share.

Thank you Lord for continuing to open our eyes, ears and hearts toward YOU!!

Mr. Smith, could I...maybe have some proof for the existence of God? I'm no atheist, by any means, but I'm having doubts due to certain circumstances. I feel like... "Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief."

I apologize for asking due to your physical health. Please forgive me. If possible, would you respond? Even a small amount of text would help.

God bless you.


Dear Ian:

The greatest proof that you could possibly have that there is an invisible, spirit God,
is the very fact that you exist and are able to ask such a question in the first place.
You, your body with its trillions of cells, your brain, and your mind, is a mechanism
so complex that it defies imagination.  Within our own being, and within the creation
surrounding us, there are billions of little universes that can only be the Intelligent
Design of an awesome Intelligent Designer.  Read the material on my site, and don't
look for shortcuts.

God be with you,


--- End quote ---

Thanks for sharing, Nett.  It's always nice to hear from Ray.  :)


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