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Thanks Porter. I realized after I posted that I should have said “I hope I don’t have to remember my sins”. I am sure we will know who we are, and also all our family…especially our children who may have preceded us in death. I just don’t like my sins now and suuurrreee don’t want to think about them later.😀

Thanks for clarifying. I think I assumed what you really meant to say was that you hoped you wouldn't remember being that boastful “beast” in Revelation. I read what you said multiple times, but I still went out on a limb a little, heh.

But yeah, I think the fact the Elect will finally be clothed by and in Christ proves “…we shall not be found naked” as stated in 2Co_5:3 and that our “nakedness will not appear” as stated in Rev 3:18. Basically, no more shame because no more sin. Though, like Ray said, which you seem to understand is the fact the knowledge we gained from good and bad experiences will remain.

Dave in Tenn:
I agree.   That one piece of spiritually meaningful "explanation" cracked off a lot of dried theological mud from my mind.  It even made "salvation" mean something for a change.


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