Rom.7:25…Thanks be to God through Christ our Lord!
So then I myself serve the law of God WITH MY MIND, ( the law is spiritual)
but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
Ther is no least commandment. If you commit one , you are guilty of all
because you are a law- breaker. You break Gods laws and His laws are
Remember Rays teaching about adultry.
Rom.7:7… …… yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known
what it is to covet, if the law had not said ,you shall not covet”.tenth commandment. Coveting is of the heart/ mind before you commit adultry or any
other sin you think about it first.
We cannot obey and full the law because it is spiritual. What law.
The tenth commandment thou shalt not covet. It’s taught in the sermon on the mount. It’s a much higher standard . Don’t commit adultry , it’s a sin.
And don’t even THINK ABOUT IT, IS LUST, that begins in the heart as with all
other sins. As Ray said we are sinning machines. We are law- breaking carnal
minded , God hating beasts,sons of perdition until God removes it. O please hurry .
Remember in Rom.8, the Pharisees wanted to stone the adulteress but Jesus said,
“ he who is without sin cast the first stone “ and he wrote something on the ground.
Verse 9.. then those who heard it, being convicted in their CONCIENCE went out
one by one…. Why.
I wonder what Jesus wrote on the ground verse 8. Whatever it was scared the
Pharisees, cause they hightailed it.😁 Me thinks maybe some of these Pharisees may have been the recipient's of this woman’s sin of adultury. I don’t know that for sure but I know Jesus could read their MINDS.
Ray taught that whenever the apostles asked about how to not sin , He always
used the commandment “ thou shalt not commit adultry, remember. I can’t remember what teaching that was in but it was amazing .
Caps for emphasis not yelling. Every day is one day closer, hang in their cause
Lawlessness is increasing. Love to all.
which teaching that was in,