> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship

some more or less random stuff

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Dave in Tenn:
I'm scheduled Tuesday for what I think is called an "angioplasty".  It's that thing where they poke around through your arteries and see if there's any improvements they can make.  The cardiologist said I had a very big heart.  Unfortunately, the "heart" he is referring to is the one I'm less interested in.  But it's the one they are going to see if renovations are warranted.

I came back to the States in mid July mostly because my visa expired, but also because I figured it would be a good time to get some medical stuff done now that I have medicare.  So far--except for the heart thing--my checkups have been at least acceptable.  If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself, but I can live with what news I've heard.  I did quit Nicotine in January and as long as I was in Costa Rica, exercise and eating well were pretty much natural without any hard concerted effort.  I can't return soon enough to suit me.

I thought I would be staying with my younger sister and brother-in-law as I was before, but when I got back they were just experiencing health issues of their own and I did not need to be there while that is going on.  His news in particular is not very good and he faces a real struggle upcoming that I would appreciate your prayers for.  So instead I've been staying south of Nashville with my older sister.  We've had some good conversations and I've learned that she is also on a path towards moving on from the harmful doctrines of the greater church and gaining a renewed faith in and love for the Lord.  We may not see eye to eye on every doctrinal point, but that's ok because I really don't like discussing Theology anyway.  But clearly the Lord is working with her and I at last have a member of the family with whom I can "fellowship" in this optimistic faith.

I guess that's all the catching up I'm prepared to do at the moment.  I'm hoping the renovations are not too extensive and are worth it.   

Thank you Dave for taking the time to catch us up.  Hope all is well with your heart and you can head back to Costa Rica very soon.

Keeping you and your family in my prayers. 


I pray for you and your family Dave.
May God be with you.💕

Dennis Vogel:
I have to remind myself all the time that everything comes from God.



  I’ll be praying for you and your family God bless 😇

God bless


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