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All is of God

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I feel compelled to discuss something I have been thinking about a lot lately…something I know that in the past I have not internalized (for want of a better word) enough, or thoroughly. And because I have not fully internalized it I cause myself great anguish.

We know from scripture that all is of God. Also, that God knows the end from the beginning. We know that God does not make mistakes, or that ANYTHING is left to chance.

For instance, we are here and now reading this because this is the time that God had determined for it to happen. We were born whenever we were, and not 200 or 1000 years earlier. We were born into our families in the order that God determined…and if one is an only child then that was determined also. We know that God gives all creatures (including us) the animating “spirit” that enables life, and in our case, consciousness.

I would imagine that many of us, if not all, has multiple times said to ourselves and to God, “why do I know what I know about God and His plan, and the vast multitudes don’t know?” “Why me Lord?”

It is humbling, and at the same time frightening. I think to me the frightening part comes from wondering/thinking that I cannot do it….i cannot overcome this beastly, narcissistic, selfish “thing” that I am. And that God knows exactly what I am…and I know that I can not fool God, even when I sometimes try to fool myself.

I ask myself (and ask God although He hasn’t answered me) is this turmoil of struggling to overcome me, any or all part of the “tribulation” that all of God’s saints must go through. Or is there some future great physical tribulations that must take place. To date, I don’t see great physical tribulation in my life.

So I read and listen to Ray’s messages,  and his answers to questions, and certain pieces and phrases come to mind. “You will overcome whatever sins you have when God has determined for you to overcome them”. (Of course I am thinking we must always be a little bit short of totally overcoming since only God is perfect and doesn’t sin, and we can only be perfect once we have the full measure of His Spirit.)

So back to my earlier premise…all is of God. Now of course my sins are not of God…they are truly mine and mine alone. I can’t blame them on anyone or anything…only me. That is one thing I truly tell myself that I will not blame where I am in life, or where I am in my sinful life, on anything outside of myself. And I am truly sick of that “self”. I want to have leave of self and fully have Christ live my life (as hard as that is for me to truly understand). But that is again what I have been thinking about a lot lately.

I must have faith that it will all come together (for me) in God’s time. I must not get weary trying (although I am weary of me).

I imagine that others have been where I am now. Not wanting to give up even when greatly discouraged. Looking to that time (when it is God’s time) to overcome this self.

So, Christ willing, I will not give up. And we have ample scriptures that Christ IS willing that I, and all men and women, do overcome.

Hallelujah, Praise God the Father and His Son!

Dennis Vogel:
Right now my biggest problem is forgiving the people that have done great harm to my son and granddaughter, which continues to this day.

Just a few days ago a dentist put me in a lot of pain and lied to me. But I will get over that and will forgive that dentist in time.

But now I have to find another dentist to finish the work. I have to explane everything to the new dentist and that's causing me a lot of stress because dentists stick together. What if I cannot find another dentist?

So as you said "all is of God" which is true. And we know God planned everything from the beginning which must include our misery. But you also said "of course my sins are not of God" which seems to be a contradiction?

We know Rays says we are born sinning machines. It's built into us, which is also true. So in that respect our sins do belong to us.

Dennis Vogel:
Working on a video and this text from Lake 2:

God knows all in advance. God doesn't just know what "will" happen in the future, He causes all that will happen in the future. God IS the future. God is the Alpha and the Omega -- He IS the beginning; He IS the end, and nothing can be different from what God says MUST BE.

We have got to get away from the "God allows certain things" mentality and syndrome. God CREATES, God DESTROYS, God HEALS, God KILLS, God CAUSES, God BRINGS ABOUT, God SAVES. God does not "allow" things that He has not foreordained to be! This popular doctrine among the religions of the world is utter unscriptural foolishness. The teaching suggests that man does things that God had no previous knowledge of, does not approve of, wishes would have never happened, but nonetheless, He "allows" them. Certainly He "allows" them in as much as He does not "disallow" them, but this still begs the question as to their true origin. God is the Creator, not Satan.


Thank you Dennis. This teaching on the Origin of Sin is a lot of meat. Great choice,
For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. ;D
(Phil. 2:13)

Are you still doing shorts as well? Maybe our members can offer some input. Just a suggestion.

I can understand how you feel about your children suffering at the hands of
others. Our daughter has lived a very abusive and painful life, not only of her
own making but also at her husband’s hands.
This post is ,All is of God, knowing that ,and seeing what that ALL encompasses
is a lot of pain , that pain is profound. I am praying for your children Dennis and
am asking our members of the body of Christ to pray as well. We need to keep
the unity of the spirit, in love for each other as we are growing together in Christ.

Dynamo54, I think we can all relate to your post. These things are all part
of our growing process. The trials, tests and tribulations are all to train and
strengthen us. Ray said that once God begins a work in you , He will finish it
and as for the Why me Lord, we come to realize it’s not because we have done
anything good of a fabled free will that’s for sure but that anyone who is of the few
were already predestined before they were even born. So IF you are to be
an overcomer according to the will of God , you will be, however we can never
know for sure. Remember the big IF.
I love this scripture “ Of mine own self I can do nothing” Jesus said that.(John 5:30)
And so everything truly is of God, absolutely everything.
This free will carnal minded beast is no match for Our Lord Jesus.Paul said
don’t worry about anything. Well , are any of us at that stage yet,I don’t know ,Ray said
getting saved is the hardest thing we will ever go through. Are we willing to suffer
with Christ, are we willing to be hated for His namesake, are we willing to suffer
tribulation and yes at times my brother it is frightening. I , like you do not
feel as though I personally have suffered much tribulation but that most of my
anguish came from seeing my family members suffer. With the way things are
happening in the world right now, we may have to suffer extreme hardship.
We just don’t know what is going to happen from one minute to the next.
And so……..Psalm 146:3….Put not you trust in princes, in a son of man in whom there is no salvation.
Jet.17:12…..a glorious throne set on high from the beginning is the place
of our sanctuary.
 Verse 7….. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord whose trust IS THE LORD.

Jesus is everything. God Bless You All 💕

Dennis Vogel:

--- Quote ---"Are you still doing shorts as well? Maybe our members can offer some input. Just a suggestion."

--- End quote ---

I'm always looking for profound shorts. Just remember they have to be less than 60 seconds in length. So yes, please suggest away.


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