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In What Way Are Any Ashamed?

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The question in the title of this post came to mind today as I was thinking about Mar 8:38 and Luk_9:26. I will quote them below.

Mar 8:38  For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."

Luk 9:26  For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and that of the Father and the holy angels.

The only difference between the two verses above is the addition of the phrase, "in this adulterous and sinful generation" in Luke 9:26. Anyhow, the question came to mind because I've become aware of a little shame or embarrassment within when I speak of the spirit. It's like a voice that says, “this is silly” and, “no one cares, so why try”. Has anyone else felt the same when speaking of spiritual things?

Now, I haven't studied this topic yet, so how I feel and what is actually spiritually true may differ. It's not lost on me how spiritual truths are challenging to understand for most, including myself. It's like a completely different language that no one on earth speaks.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, please feel free to express them. Perhaps we can understand what Jesus really meant by the verses cited above. Hopefully, I will understand why I feel shame and embaressment at times when speaking of these things.

Romans: 8-7… Because the carnal mind ( the natural, physical mind of man)
is enmity ( deep seated hatred HATRED) against God.,,, for it is not subject
to the ( Spiritual) law of God, neither indeed can be.
vs. 6…. For to be carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is
life and peace.

We are all born with a physical carnal mind. It is impossible to keep
God’s Spiritual Laws with a carnal mind.

When God purges the hearts and minds of the wicked with His all consuming
Spiritual Fire , they will be UTTERLY ASHAMED! Notice what God says in Rev.14:10
regarding anyone who is a part of this One World Religious System.

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God( seeing that) “ For ALL NATIONS
have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, which is poured out without
mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented( UTTERLY ASHAMED—- spiritual and mental torment) with the fire and brimstone (GOD’S
DIVINE SPIRITUAL FIRE) in the presence of the HOLY ANGELS and in the presence
of the LAMB.

T hey are going to have to face their sins and wickedness and hypocrisy, not in
the presence of God Almighty but in the presence of the Lamb.
How EMBARRASSING and SHAMEFUL it will be for all those being purged in God’s
Spiritual Consuming Lake Of Fire to see and acknowledge their whole life of sin
in the presence of the Lamb of God WHO DIED FOR THEM .( All of us)

Every heart in the universe will melt like snow in a furnace when they face the Lamb
of God in their judgement.
There are no people suffering in the fabled fires of hell. It’s a Christian Hoax. It’s a lie. The Lake Of Spiritual Fire Will Bring Salvation to ALL NATIONS, YET SO AS BY FIRE.( 1 Cor. 3:15}

From Ray’s teaching …Sodom and Egypt in prophecy.

So to answer you  Porter… Isaiah 30: 12–17 and many more scriptures.

All who teach free will and all who believe they have it , will be punished.
That’s everyone. No one escapes God’s judgment. It will be the best thing that’s ever happened to humanity.

Thank you Pamela. I'm trying to see it the way Ray put it, but the shame I feel at times is one toward Jesus' words. It's like when I share His spiritual words I gotta look sideways as if I'm almost embarrassed. It's hard to explain.

I understand Porter ,
I used to be the same way. God will gradually make you stronger.
Remember the apostles when they rejoiced to be beaten? That was
after conversion. Before that , they were cowards and forsook Jesus.
But we have a down payment,thank God.
Just who are you sharing with? They are blind and until God opens it up to them
they won’t get it. You can shout it  till your Blue in the face, you can even show
them the words ( I did this to a JW at my door and she literally couldn’t see it, I was
blown away)

John 12:39-40….Therefore they could not believe, for again Isaiah said “ He has
blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, lest they see with their eyes and
understand with their heart and turn, and I should heal them.
Also Matt.13:14-15

God will strengthen you Porter, and all of us. He is making us like Him,
How awesome is that . Let us pray for wisdom and endurance.
In the name of Jesus 💕


I definitely can relate to these feelings
When I’m talking to someone about spiritual stuff later on I’ll feel embarrassed and question myself why I ever said anything I hate feeling like that.

Thanks Pamela for what you wrote
God bless


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