Folks, I always privately ask people to consider the Forum Rules before a public admonishment.
I have seen this happen all too often, someone will come in here obviously in conflict with the stated purpose and teachings of Bible Truths and when anyone whether it be a member or a moderator steps up to defend the teachings or to suggest their antagonistic stance be stifled or taken elsewhere we get the call for "tolerence and love" thus splitting the membership and causing division and anger.
No one to my knowledge has ever been forced to become a member here, the rules are plainly stated. I (as many others) was drawn here by the articles presented on Bible Truths, not John Blanchard not Jonathon Edwards, not Hal Lindsay, or anyone else. If you want to promote brick and stick churches start your own site, it is not what we do here, we also will not be intolerant of those who have not come out as long as they are not promoting anything.
Please remember we are here primarily to discuss how realizing that we seek the Lord within rather than "signs and wonders" without has changed our lives, we discuss how discovering keys to scripture has opened our eyes and ears to His Word, we discuss how Ray's papers have helped us in understanding some things we never understood before. Is this such a bad thing? If you want to promote anything else, argue about politics, doctrine, there are thousands of websites out there that will accomodate you.
I am saddened by people who think they have found refuge here and then are subjected to the very things they thought they escaped, I am saddened by the people who are discouraged and leave our fellowship because the confusion has crept back in their spiritual lives. I know that this Forum is not going to make or break the Elect,or anyone's salvation, the Lord is watching over them and He plainly states that it is "impossible" to deceive the Elect. All we are asking is for a place to fellowship for people of like minds, if what is said here is disagreeable then please move on, if you wish to ask questions or scripturally refute anything here you are more than welcome as long as it is done respectfully.
His Peace and Wisdom to you,