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Author Topic: new guy  (Read 5822 times)

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new guy
« on: September 27, 2006, 03:53:10 AM »

Hello all,
   My name is Sean and I'm 26.  Here's my story.   From the time i was born till i was 16 i was the happiest person i knew.  I felt very close to God and it was all good.  I believed that everything the bible said was true, so i believed there was a hell.  But i was okay with that i think because i also believed that somehow God would save/forgive people that went to hell after they had been there awhile.  But then at 16 an event happened that caused me to become depressed.  The bible was no longer a comfort to me, and really nothing much was.  Unfortunately, i am still depressed, even after all this time, although i'm not depressed over the same issue that originally got me down.   So anyways, i felt like i was getting a little bit better until about 3 months ago.  I was flipping channels on TV when i happened past TBN and saw John Hagee preaching.   In the background there was a picture of flames representing the flames of hell.  So i listened as he was telling about all the many ways there were to get into hell, and it made me think that maybe i was doing something wrong that would cause me to go to hell.  And that became a really really scary thought for me, and it got me really depressed again.  How could i be sure i wasn't going to hell?  maybe i didn't believe enough?  Anyways, so i started searching online and that's how i found this place.  And when i started reading, it was very unbeliveable to me.  But after reading what Ray had to say about various bible verses, i couldn't help but believe what he was saying was true.  And that ended my worrying about going to hell!  So i'm happy this site exists, and i'm flabergasted that most versions of the bible have such gross misinterpretations in them.  Now unfortunately i am still confused about some stuff God related, but i feel like this forum might be a good place to help clear up my misunderstandings.  You all seem like very nice people, and i'm thankful that a place exists where i can ask questions to people who believe like i do.  Thanks for reading my long first post!



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Re: new guy
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2006, 11:52:52 AM »

Welcome to the forum, Sean.  I understand what you mean, it's like a whole new paradigm.  Good to see you found Rays site, and got away from TV preachers!  ;D

God bless,



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Re: new guy
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 02:17:24 PM »

Hi Sean,

Good to have you here.
God has brought you here for a reason.
He is leading you into the truth.

Phi 4:7  And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

mercy, peace, and love


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Re: new guy
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2006, 11:43:49 PM »

Welcome to our family forum!
God has provided this place for His children to grow and learn in His Word - I'm sure you're here because He wants you here!
Happy journey Sean!


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Re: new guy
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2006, 12:00:55 AM »

Welcome Sean,

I look forward to fellowshipping with you Brother,

His Peace and Wisdom to you,



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Re: new guy
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2006, 01:25:27 AM »

Thanks everybody.  I'm looking forward to learning with you all.


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Re: new guy
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2006, 02:16:58 AM »

Hi Sean,


Don't worry about your "long post"...I am just so thankful that God has led you here as a young man. Each year that we live apart from the truth causes our first post to get LONGER and LONGER...if you know what I mean... :)

God Bless,


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Re: new guy
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2006, 09:43:43 PM »

Yeah, Chuck, I know what you mean. I'm 53 and usually make pretty long posts.

It's funny Sean...I was led by God here for pretty much the same reason--John Hagee's nonsense! First, it was the Wonders of Hell series (and did you notice how he made the perhaps Satanic hand signal with thumb and pinky outstetched? THAT was a sign IMHO). While I believed most of what Christendom taught (went to Catholic School, church, Church of Christ Bible Study, Assemblies of God, and listened to all sorts of preachers from Herbet W. Armstrong to radicals like David J Smith and Pete Peters on the radio), I never really, really believed in hell for eternity simply because I never believed a loving and creator God would do that. Then I saw Hagee's series The White throne Judgment. I STILL believed in the rapture at the time, but that series did it for me...I knew by the way he acted and his lust for blood and hell fire, together with his fellow pharisees that craved nuking Iran and Syria to bring about such a fictitious event that Hagee had to have it wrong!

I was checking out Hagee's funding (as well as Pat Robertson, Joseph Farah [and Arab American who hates the Arabs of the Middle East and wants Israel to wipe out the Palestinians] who is editor of WorldNetDaily, Jerry Falwell and others) on the "politicalfriendster" website and came across a Google ad for Bible Truths. I clicked on the was God's Will since I had been searching for the truth for a few years about the rapture and other issues.

I believe everyone that finds Bible Truths and the forum is being led here by God's spirit. May His Spirit be with you!

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