Thank you all for the encouragement. I sent a link for part one of the free will myth exposed teachings to several folks that are in our small group. I pray that they at least read the first part in its entirety.
I certainly do not want to get into a debate on things that are not, as of yet, second nature to my spirit. These teachings are so contrary to popular opinion, but that's what I find most intriguing. I used to work with an individual who always professed that you didn't need to go to church to be a Christian. I remember thinking that she was going to hell. Can you believe it!
I wasn't in church for a period of time. Lets just say that my behavior was less than Christ-like and I needed to step back. No, I wasn't asked to leave, but I was removed from all worship opportunities. I was told I had to be restored, but I refused and left because of embarassment and humiliation.
We started going to our present church because as a family we had hit financial bottom as well as emotional bottom. Friends of ours invited us (incidently, they now attend an AOG church) and we've been there ever since. But, I have not truly felt God's presence as I did in times past at my former church (non-denominational pentacostal). I know that there are issues with both doctrines, but wonder why I felt closer to God back then than I do now. Maybe I haven't learned to trust God again. I hope and pray that isn't the case.
From the time I was little, I've felt a desire to help people and have always believed that is part of my misison on Earth. I believe we are all here for a reason. Makes sense if God is working out his plan.
I like the notion of a hands on God, one that does care and is in control all the time. Why do so many of us want to put God in a box, limit His ability to be God and pretend that God is hands off, except when we screw up? My wife told me last night that she was always told that God shows us two paths and we have to decide which one to take. We chose to do good or bad. Huh? So, God doesn't know which path we will take? When I take a step back, I can't believe how silly the notion of having a "free will" actually sounds. I'm not making fun of my wife. We had a discussion about this last night and she sorta agrees with what Ray shows in his study. For my wife, she just wants to know what the voice of God sounds like. No, not an audible voice, but how do you know when God is speaking to you about something. How do you KNOW that it is God?
I like Ray's comment "God isn't running a damage control operation from Heaven" but yet, that's precisely what we are led to believe. I could get cynical here but resist the urge to.
Anyway, I love our friends at our church. We do have great fellowship together and pray that my revealing what I've learned here doesn't cause dissension. I'm afraid of losing our friends. I'm not really afraid of upsetting the apple cart. I figure if I am led to speak, then I will be placed in the situation under the right circumstances to speak. I'm not going to try and change anyone's opinion overnight, nor will I hound them about what I now know. I'll let the Holy Spirit (God) work it out.
Thanks again and God bless.