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Author Topic: Satan  (Read 7510 times)

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« on: October 12, 2006, 11:26:03 AM »

Dear Ray,
    I find a lot of insight in your articles and I have to admit that your arguments are very compelling. You have shed a lot of light on things for me which in hindsight I have to ask myself "Why couldn't I see that before?". Perhaps many of these truths of scripture wouldn't be so elusive for us had we not got to unlearn for ourselves the accumulated false teachings of centuries which are so deeply ingrained in our culture and traditions.
    Now that I am convinced that there is no afterlife of eternal punishment, that the afterwordly notions of heaven have no scriptural basis and that just about all of the imagery in the churches of christendom is little more than pagan mythology I have for myself a burning question:
    How should I discern this Satan who has his ministers in the churches of babylon, who deceives the whole world and has power over all the nations?
    Surely he cannot be a person or a physical creature the way the churches have always painted him, so am I right in assuming he is a spiritual entity or perhaps a wicked part of our carnal nature?
    I would very much appreciate your insight on this one.
Yours Sincerely,
Stuart. , England

Dear Stuart:
"Surely he cannot be the wicked part of our carnal nature."
Surely you cannot believe that "Jesus was led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of THE WICKED PART OF HIS CARNAL NATURE," do you? (Matt. 4:1).  Do you really believe that Jesus had a CARNAL WICKED NATURE?  Sorry, but I don't have the time to do a major paper on Satan at this time. See my "Lake of Fire" series on the "Origin of Sin and Satan."
God be with you,
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