> I am writing this from my sister's email in FL. I have not written you
> in a long while. I last heard you had been ill, I pray you have
> recovered fully.
> This question is not about the Bible, you have answered ?'s before. My
> sister is very much interested in a book called Forbidden Archealogy
> among others by Mchael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson. Also, Deceiptions
> and Myths of the Bible by Lloyd M. Graham. The History ofScience,
> Hidden History of the Human Race. I do not know what to make of these
> things. Do you know anything about these men or the books? Thank
> you, Wanda
Dear Wanda:
Okay, Wanda, let's look at Lloyd Graham. Graham states that there are over 400 stories and renditions of the Noahian flood among the countless cultures of the world. To him this is proof that this story did not originate in the Bible. What are the facts? Over 400 flood sagas is absolute proof positive that there was a flood just as the Scriptures tell us. Where else would 400 stories have their origin if it were not true history of a true event? The man has shot himself in his intellectual foot. What he uses to disprove the Scriptures in reality absolute PROVES THE SCRIPTURES.
God be with you,