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Author Topic: Punished?  (Read 7487 times)

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« on: October 15, 2006, 11:26:36 AM »

    Hello Ray,
                      First I would like to say thanks for all you do. My Question is actually 2 questions: 1. If God made the serpent to do his(God's) will then why would he punish him for it ?  2. In Jer.32:35 God says that the aweful things the people are doing never entered his mind, is this sidesteping all things being by him for him and thru him ? I know that in the Greek or hebrew not sure which image also means imagination, so how could it be in any way not his doing of this thing the people did ?
    Thanks , Jason

    Dear Jason:
    Your first question I have answered on my site and in many emails. Sorry, but I don't have time to answer all of these questions over and over, as I am too far behind in my emails.
    I have also covered Jer. 32:35 in the past. The word translted "mind" in Jer. 32:35 is not the Hebrew word for mind, but rather "heart."  It did not enter into God's "HEART" these eveil things, whereas He certainly knew in His MIND that men would do this.
    God be with you,

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