Hello Brothertoall
Mark 13:13 And you will be hated and detested by EVERYBODY for My name's sake, but he who patiently perseveres and endures to the end will be saved, made a partaker of the salvation by Christ, and delivered from spritual death. (AMPL)
Just to share with you....I am discovering that I have been duped, disarmed and neutralized by false teaching and so much so that when I was tested for my "beliefs" I too blew up in a most undignified manner! That incident made me question why. I found out that I was imbalanced in my beliefs. I knew to TURN THE OTHER CHEEK but I did not know what this meant! I thought it meant be beaten, be abused and say nothing....WELL...I have been blessed to see differently here on Bible Truths....Yes sure give a soft answer...but don't forget You Fools! You Hypocrites! You Snakes! here on this site and also check out how RAY answers some of his detractors. There are HUGE lessons there! Isaiah 50 : 7 "For the Lord God helps Me; therefore have I not been ashamed or confounded. Therefore have I set My face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame."
I am not suggesting hurling abuse back but REFUTE YES that 's okay! Paul himself did not deny accusations HE REFUTED THEM. Deny is simply to disagree with no evidence. Turn the other cheek as I have been taught is, back down, bow down, submit to evil bleet an occasional denial and feel guilty and let your goodness give evil authority over you by silencing your voice, saying nothing, opposing nothing and confronting nothing...That is what I was taught
That is how Religion makes water out of wine!... Refute is to disagree with EVIDENCE. Ample examples of this in Rays Christ minded way of handling detractors!...and just look at Pauls example not to mention Jesus Christs WOE TO YOU....if that didn't wake them up then they were DEAD asleep!
I am personally learning HOT or COLD is not soft, neutral or luke warm! (I am preaching to me! I went soft, pious and pretty just recently and I saw I could have been HOT or COLD only in hind sight! That is equally as painful to live with as the other extreme!...and now I know and am ready for the next time, but it is going to take guts. ....Have never been HOT or COLD only luke warm so far!
)...but I am learning....!...I thank God!
Look at Jesus ....Mat 16 : 23 " Jesus TURNED AWAY from Peter (You know, the Peter He prayed for and against Satan who wanted to sift him like wheat...)and said to him(Peter) GET behind Me SATAN! (THATS HOT! Peter must have felt CHILLED TO THE BONE MARROW...and there was more!
) You are in My way, an offense and a hindrance and a snare to Me; for you are minding what partakes not of the nature and quality of God, but of men.
I know this all needs discernment.... I believe you see the spirit in which this post is written is NOT to advocate anyone in the forum exchange our white belts into a Holier than Thou black belt and attack the China Shop
God bless you brotherofall....as HE does!....
...our training continues brother!