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Author Topic: Hebrews  (Read 7117 times)

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« on: November 02, 2006, 10:34:07 PM »

    Hello Ray thank-you for your site you have made me really change and do LOTS LOTS & LOTS of question is about epistle to hebrews. I've done hours of research and it appears paul probly didn't write it there are others he probly didn't write but can't be 100% confirmed plus there are others that were fake such as corithans 3 one not in the bible so I was just wondering about your opinion on this is also incase you didn't know from john 8:1-8:11 about he who is without sin thing was not in the orginal and was added by later scribes. I said the last one because I know you have used it on your site once and if you didn't know thought you would like to know

    Dear Reader:

    There are many verses in Hebrews that do sound like Paul's style. However, there are other sections of unquestioned Scriptures (I Peter 1:3-4 for example) which also sounds almost identical to Paul's Eph. 1:3-4. They were inspired by the SAME SPIRIT, you know.

    There are 900 manuscripts which do contain John 8:1-11, including one very old one. There are internal evidences which also would assume this section of Scripture to be written by John. John uses a phrase not found in any other gospel:  "THIS said he..." or "THIS theysaid...."  Five times John uses this phrase, and one of them is found in the questioned section of Scripture: John 8:6--"THIS they said...."

    "Hodges and Farstad conclude, 'If it is not an original part of the Fourth Gospel, its writer would have to be viewed as a skilled Johannine imitator, and its placement in this context as the shrewdest piece of interpolation in literary history!'"

    God be with you,


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