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Author Topic: Children  (Read 7033 times)

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« on: November 10, 2006, 09:44:18 AM »

Dear Sir,
My question is in concerns to my children. Is it truly (New Testament) biblical to correct our children with a "Rod of Correction" (or paddle as some may say)?
Thank You,

Dear Travis:
Yes, it is Biblically correct to use corporal punishment on a child, however, be WARNED, in most states and cities should you leave a mark or bruse, you can be put in jail.  Be very very careful when, where, and how you ever administer corporal punishment. It is considered a criminal offense, and the law will always err on the side of the children.  You need to call your local police and ASK THEM if you paddle your children whether or not you will be jailed if someone reports you.
God be with you,
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