> Hi Ray,
> I have gotten much good from your writings and the discussion group.
> Personally, I don't see anything amiss with your providing an address to
> which those so led could encourage you and support your work
> financially. How about such a reference on your website?
> Chuck
> Beaverton, OR
Dear Chuck:
No, I have decided against that. Most thinking people know that a semi-retired
roofer does not reach millions of people on the Internet free of any cost. Check
out numerous religious web sites that have been on the Net for many years, and
see how many visitor counters say: 439, 1006, 911, etc. One doesn't reach millions
of people FREE, unless God decides to bring them there by a vision or something.
If people do not ASK if they can contribute, I will not ask them. Putting up an address
or a Pay Pal is "asking," and so I don't want to do that. We really DO want to trust God.
Thank you for your suggestion.
God be with you,