Hallo Ray,
Quite frankly, I do not know if I should shout for joy at having found your web pages, or cry with frustration at now not knowing which way!!!!
Last night I printed most of your emails. Most of them a lesson on their own in your answers. Eventually I turned off my light at 1.30 am.
It is now about 5.30 am and I am back at the comp[utor to write to you, as I have been pondering many things since 4.30 already!!!!
You teach, as I understand it from your email replies, that there is no hell, based on more or less the fact that Jesus died for All our sins etc.
What than about the lake of fire and hell that is often spoken about in the bible.
e.g. Rev. 20 - 8 and 20 - 14:15...
Matthew 5 - 21
Matthew 5 - 29 and 30
Matthew 7 - 13 and 14 the gateway to life is small... only a few find it!
Yes, and so there have arisen many questions.
As I have to dash off to go and robe myself in a minute, I am going to but paraphrase a few of my insecurities created by your overflow of knowledge.
I am hungry to learn and know the truth, as God says that his people perish for the lack of knowledge.
The bible is also called the good news...it is written that he has come to preach to the poor... to the poor good news is sufficient funds.
Life abundant... That is enough to bless all the families of the earth, not just scraping by!
Every seed has in it an inherent ability to multiply (I am a farmer) I believe that this is so with a seed of love, or a seed of money or, any seed which is planted in fertile soil.
I EXPECT God to honour his word in this regard... am I wrong? I give not as a tithe, for I do not believe that tithing is scriptural, just as you explained, but I give to those who teach me
spiritually, and in this case that would have to be channelled to your body. This is my seed. From this I get multiplication.
My whole testimony is based on the great divide of this world... i.e. fear and faith... if you fear that it will not happen than your faith is to weak to believe that god will make it happen.
etc etc. (Good and Evil)
Enough for now... please elaborate on these points to me, I know that each one is likely to be a teaching all on its own, but I'll be happy with just a few words which may point me
in the direction of truth with regard to these points.
Perhaps the answers already exist on your web site.
Are you anti prosperity teachings, and anti prosperity itself?
Can I not expect the Lord my God to Give me this life abundant?
Thank you for a wonderful website, and the hunger for the real truth you have created with in me. I was an avid listener to people like Rod parsley, Hagee, Hinn, and many more of
these vultures. You have opened my eyes. If they have such good teachings and the ability to get us wealthy, why do they not practice this on themselves? why do they need to peddle the religious wares to get them selves rich?
Thank you for the web pages
from a rather sleepy and confused Hans
Dear Hans:
I am glad that you found our site. Actually I have 459 unanswered emails ahead of yours. I get tens of thousands of emails, so it is not possible for me to chat with all of them as it would take a hundred years. I am writing a series on "The Lake of Fire," which now has nearly 700 pages, so I can't very well explain all that in an email to you. Hope you understand. And as for Matt. 5:21, I am covering that verse in my upcoming Installment 16 on "HELL" Part D. Look for it in the near future.
God be with you,