Ray: When we are Rapture, us meaning Christians, you and Paul Crouch, Benny Hinn and the like will ask what happened, why are we still here. You see if you folks will repent of your sins the Lord will save you. Please take the advice of a humble servant of my Lord Jesus Christ's 1 Peter 5:5 stop your false teachings.
Your teachings are no different than the mormons, the jw's, the catholic church, the muslims and the other false gospel teachers Benny Hinn, The Crouches, Oral Roberts, Ken and Gloria Copeland, etc.. 2 Peter 2 You folks are preaching things from your father the devil John 8:44. You folks walk in spiritual blindness John 1:5. You all will one day suffer forever for those sins, and may The Lord have mercy on your soul on Judgment day Revelation
20:11-15. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God
Hebrews 10:31.
Ray, I plead with you in Jesus Name Repent Matthew 4:17 ask for The Lord's forgiveness and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior
John 1:12. Please just look around at the world and the things that are happening in it this should be enough for you to see the truth. Please also talk to a bible believing minister and ask him to help you out here.
Thank you
Saved, Sealed, Delivered
Dear Dave:
Unlike, " the jw's, the catholic church, the muslims and the other false gospel teachers, Benny Hinn, The Crouches, Oral Roberts, Ken and Gloria Copeland," AND Y-O-U, I believe that Jesus Christ REALLY IS THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD (I John 4:14, and a hundred just like it). Some day you too will believe some of these elementary Scriptures.