My name is Melissa and I was looking over your web site. I am I sabath keeper and I am just curious what your thoughts on the sabath. It seems like you seek for the truth in everything and I am the same.
God Bless
Dear Melissa:
Many people as me if I keep the seventh day sabbath of rest? And I tell them all the same thing: Yes, of couurse, I keep it every day.
The physical weekly day of physical rest of the 4th commandment is for those who have not yet learned that what this day and commandment pictures is entering into the Rest of our Lord, which is something we keep every day of our life. One cannot both keep the physical day of rest and also be observing God's spiritual Rest, which covers every day of the week. Once God taught His people what Circumcision stood for a picture in the spirit, Paul taught to NOT be physically circumcised any longer. In fact, if one is physically circumcised as a work of salvation, HE FALLS FROM GRACE! (Gal. 5:1-4).
God be with you,