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Author Topic: In Trouble Now  (Read 7358 times)

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In Trouble Now
« on: December 01, 2006, 06:15:07 PM »

> Ray,
> I have been reading your writings extensively although I am not finished yet. I
> am really wondering whether you are deceived or that I don't have ears to hear.
> You said in your last email you wished people were straight with you so here I
> am. That was not an insult by the way, it is just my wonderings.
> I would dearly like to hear your answer to the following questions and I would
> be very grateful. your writings have started me off down a road that is already
> causing conflict as I share with others the essence of your 'hell' series. Some
> have not reacted, one tells me essentially that I am going to mislead people and
> send them to hell if I continue reading your writings. I am sure you are well
> used to this by now.
> But honestly Ray, my faith is struggling for air at the moment because no matter
> how much I read of your writings I cannot seem to resolve (or accept yet) the
> following paradox for myself.
> God created the world in its weakened spiritual state.
> We are therefore predisposed to sin.
> If we sin, it is our voluntary choice (even though we are prediposed to do it).
> The world is in its sick, terrible mess because God wanted it to be that way yet
> we are accountable for our sin even though God created us predisposed to sin. We
> willingly choose what He predisposed us to do.
> God will save the entire world through Jesus Christ and reveal glory in us that
> we cannot imagine (through the purifying of the lake of fire which is God etc)
> Ray, say what you will to me but answer me this, please. Firstly, have I
> basically understood your portrayal of the scriptures?
> Seco ndly, didn't you struggle with this? Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, the evil in
> your and my heart. God wanted it to be this way? If that doesn't fill you with
> dismay, then why not?
> Please Ray, I love God and want to know Him on His terms which is why I am
> persevering with this. But I am struggling mightily with this. I want to
> understand and to be honest I want to not believe this as well. But I will do
> what is right if I know it.
> love
> Doug

Dear Doug:

Yes, you have stated better than almost anyone ever has, the facts regarding
the condition of this earth and man upon it and God's purpose in all this weakness
and evil. No, I don't struggle too much with any of these concepts.  I have meditated
over and contemplated the purpose in it all for many thousands of hours.  The fact
that we are here and we are in the condition that presents itself in our own private lives
and in the world as seen on the nightly TV cannot be denied. This is real. This is the way
it IS!  Now then WHY is everything the way it is?  I marvel, but I am not the least

God be with you,

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