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Author Topic: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...  (Read 10279 times)

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Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« on: December 10, 2006, 07:09:30 PM »

Hello everyone!
I am so excited to be able to have fellowship with EVERY ONE OF YOU; it is such a relief to find like minded FAMILY MEMBERS that I can actually relate to.  I am SO ELATED right now!  God is so awesome to have blessed me with all of you and with this forum (my very first forum ever; thanks to Anne for getting me on here.)   I just know that this is just the beginning of something great that will be happening in my life! I have waited for this opportunity for fellowship for a long time now; I have a renewed hope and vigor stirring within me once again.

In January 2006, The Lord blessed me with a friend who shared some insights with me about the following: No Hell; tithing was UNSCRIPTURAL; the Christian church was Satans' throne; no such thing as free will or the trinity and such unheard of (by me) doctrines.  For many years I had been crying out to God  to show meONLY WHAT IS TRUE; and I KNEW IN MY SPIRIT that she was right about what she had spoken of, but, I had to check  out this new 'paradigm shift' for myself.  At the age of 44 I was literally sick and tired of feeling sick and tired both SPIRITUALLY and physically. Then I read Bible Truths'.com and my life has completely changed for the better.    (THANK YOU SO MUCH L. RAY SMITH!!!)

I have read  nearly everything on that site.  I had been STARVING FOR MEAT for so long that I devoured what I was reading.  And the Lord blessed my husband and I to where we are completely equally yoked in receiving these new spiritual truths together!   EVEN OUR LITTLE 8 yr old SON KNOWS THESE TRUTHS (ESPECIALLY ON 'NO HELL') AND HE IS NOT AFRAID OF HELL anymore.  However, it was very heartbreaking for us when we realised that we were not loved anymore by the congregation that we had attended.   

I will be posting alot of questions soon.  I am looking forward to hearing from you all.
Many Blessings,



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2006, 09:05:04 PM »


  Welcome.  That was a cool introduction.  I am glad that we have now found something great to do in our spare time.  Welcome to the forum. 

  I can hardly wait until you post your questions.  Well call me if you need any forum help, you know the number.

  Kudos on your 8 year old as well.  I want to train up my son so that he will never ever have to be afraid of Hell and feel the fear and pain associated with that doctine as well as those other doctrines.  He will never ever have to have a paradigm shift in his way of thinking becuase he will be taught the truth from day one.

  One of my favorite things to do is to sit and read him parts of the website aloud while he is cuddles in my arms.  And he likes hearing my voice.  Ahhh the powers of subliminal messages.

  Anyways talk to you later.



  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2006, 10:03:56 PM »

Welcome Susan.  You expressed exactly how I felt when I read Ray's material.  Talk about all our ideas on Christianity being completely opposite!!  I am glad your hubby is on board, mine is too....but thats about it!!..My best friend completely poo pooed the VERY idea! but she didn't drop me as her friend....we just don't talk about IT.

Its cool that Anne is your friend and you two can fellowship.

WE are going to my brother in laws house for a few days during the "Holidays" and I am really worried about discussing my "new beliefs".  I mean I don't feel I should have to discuss it but if they flat out ask-hows church? -well, maybe this time will be different.  They are died in the wool churchianity people. I just have to trust the Lord on this one.

Anyhoo, welcome again girls-I am delighted that I will be getting to know you.



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2006, 10:22:06 AM »

Anne and Gena,
Thanks  ladies for the welcome and for the kuddos.

Anne; ME HAVING E XTRA TIME, WHAT EXTRA TIME??? (TEASING.)   Also, if I have anything to do with it, my family will help you to ensure that Baby David never has to learn of that DIABOLICAL DOCTRINE OF HELL! 

I felt HORRIBLE when I began talking about HELL with my son when he was only 4 yrs old; I tried to avoid it, but when I did explain HELL to him, it really made him look at and to fear GOD in a way that I had never intended for him to ever have looked at our most prescious and loving Heavenly Father!  I'm just thankful that the seed of hell was not rooted deeply within his heart for years like it was with we grown-ups!  God is so good b/c HE has restored within my son's  heart now a heart that is full of grace anda heart that has even more love toward God now; so it was definately a growing experience that he did learn from.  Now he just laughs and thinks how silly it is when he hears preachers or others speaking of going to hell b/c he knows that the Hebrew word means grave; not a fiery furnace!

Gena, yes, Anne has been a blessing to me in many ways, and especially in the ways that we can share these truths!  God put her in my life for this purpose FOR SURE.  As far as your visit at xmas time with your family; just let the scriptures be your words so that it will be God speaking to them and not you; that way, if they reject what you are saying then THEY WILL BE REJECTING GOD AND NOT YOU.  The Holy spirits' job is to bring to your memory the exact words that you sill say.  Also,DO NOT FORGET THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS TO CONVICT THEIR HEARTS OF THESE TRUTHS BEFORE THEY WILL BE ABLE TO RECIEVE THESE TRUTHS; ONLY THE SPIRIT KNOWS IF THEY ARE ABLE TO RECIEVE THESE PRESCIOUS TRUTHS YET OR NOT.  JUST BE PATIENT DEAR.



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2006, 12:06:08 PM »

Welcome to the forum Susan and thank God for sending you this way. This is a wonderful place to fellowship. It is just wonderful to have you here with us. If you need anything just Pm me and I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but but I can and will be a friend to you and many others are the same I am sure.

Love to you my new friend and sister,



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2006, 12:23:55 PM »

Hi Susan,

Welcome to the forum.  Your joy and enthusiasm for the truth of God's word is encouraging and a pleasure to hear.  I too was "sick and tired of being sick and tired."  I thank the Lord everyday for gracing me with spiritual sight.  It truly is a huge blessing!

I look forward to reading your posts.



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 01:35:29 PM »

Hi Susan! :)

Thanks for sharing some of your journey with us!  I really like that!

My wife and I are 'in the same place', so to speak, concerning the truths of 'no Hell' and that all will be saved.  How thoughtful of God!  I can be a little overbearing when sharing the truth...and that probably would have been bad for my wife.

I have just started reading L. Ray's teaching material (so has my wife) but am ALREADY EXCITED because I HEAR in it the unmistakable 'RING OF TRUTH'.  How wonderful we can share in this together! :)


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 01:58:06 PM »

Susan & Anne,

A heartfelt welcome to both of you to the BT forum.  Now you are beginning to understand that you have found REST in Him.  For I think that both of you, like those before you here, have LABORED more than you'd like to in order to finde Peace and contentment that ONLY Jesus can reveal in God's appointed time.  You're in for a journey you'd NEVER trade anything for.

God be with you


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2006, 02:50:28 PM »

Dear graceman,Rene',Bobby, and Ches,

Oooh! you are gonna make me cry; it is hard to believe how much you have all touched my heart strings!  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WARM WELCOME AND FOR THE ENCOURAGING WORDS; TRULY  MY CUP OVERFLOWS!!!  I feel the love already.  I shouldn't be on here right now, but I just wanted to see if I had heard from anyone.  TRUELY EACH OF YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY, JUST KNOWING THAT WE SHARE THE SAME LIFESTYLE and that you care!.  And yes, REST INDEED!  AMEN!

Shalom  and blessings to all of you as well. Susan  (I usually am long winded, how does that get treated on this site?  Thanks)

ps, where are some of you from? Ann and I are here in West Texas.


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2006, 02:57:04 PM »

To those that welcomed me to this forum in this thread,

  A hearty thanks for the homecoming that I am feeling.  <reaches for hot cocoa and gets settled in the room for the long haul with a smile on my face>

  Guys, I want to thank the Moderators and those that post here for such great fellowship.

To Susan,

  Wow what a surprise to see you online.  Long windedness is not a problem provided that you stay on topic and that your points are clearly lineated.  This is the general rule for forums and I have read some of the long posts.  Also if you feel you need to address multiple points in one post, it is courteous and sometimes expected for you to let others know when you do change points.  Pretty much, long posts are good.  If your post is looking to begin another topic just begin another topic.

  Hope this helps.  Love you lots.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2006, 04:19:49 PM »

I was born in Big Spring, TX; lived in the area until 97', then headed West to AZ and settled in the small town of Cave Creek (North of Phoenix).


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2006, 05:13:07 PM »

I was born in the heart of Africa (Rhodesia) now called Zimbabwe, lived in the heart of Italy for three years (Rome) and spent three months in Cincinnati Ohio. Am back in Africa in a place called Magaliesburg!

Welcome Sue and Anne. No matter where we are, where we have come from, we share one destination…..Our Lord!

Peace and joy to you



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2006, 10:54:41 PM »

Born in freezing in Michigan!!

(Actually, I am more accepting of the cold now that I know I am here by design)



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2006, 01:25:47 AM »


  Hey, can you send some snow down here to Lubbock?  I want to go sledding and do snowball fights again. ;D


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2006, 10:52:48 AM »

I'm from (and reside in) Georgia, in between Dawg & Yellow Jacket country.  I don't pull for either, just watch 8).



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2006, 12:34:37 PM »

Hey there everyone who posted from some very interesting places in this in this wide world!!!  (We will forgive you all for not being a Texan...JUST TEASING WITH YOU ALL).  ;)

I actually am a "transplanted Texan whom has adapted to Southern ways" as my dh teasingly says.  I have lived here now for about the past 26 yrs (minus 5yrs in the Military.) Truely I have lived in too many places;  I grew up in Cincinatti and Akron and Cuyahoga Falls and Munroe Falls in Ohio; Grand Rapids, Minnesota:  Los Lunas New, Mexico: Houston, Odessa, San Antonio and Lubbock TEXAS; Saudi Arabia and Iraq... when people ask me what brought me to West Texas, I always tease and say that God brought me out here to this "wilderness" (of this West Texas desert).  But, HE literally grew me up spiritually out here.  I wouldn't change a thing; I love the life that HEAVENLY FATHER has blessed me with!  I literally had to go through this wilderness like the Israelites had to go throught their wilderness from Egypt, to have the truths that I have been shown!  (I just 'thought' that this place was a desert until I went to Saudi and Iraq!)

Ches, what does 'dogcombat' mean?



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2006, 12:41:23 PM »

Just a name I made up for kicks.  I'm not a veteran or anything.



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2006, 03:32:52 PM »


 When did you live in Akron Ohio? I live about 20 miles south of Akron and I also work there.



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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2006, 04:51:15 PM »

Dear Bobby,

I was born in Barberton, Ohio in 1961 (I'm 45); I lived in Tallmadge until kindergarted; Monroe Falls through first grade; Cuyahoga Falls for second grade; Cincinnati from 3rd-7th grade; back to Cuyahoga Falls for 9th-12th grade.  I graduated from Falls High in 1980.  What town are you in currently and what kind of work do youdo in Akron?  (My dad (recently retired after 40 yrs) worked at Firestone there and he was in the Union which caused us to have toi move alot.   (I MISS THAT BEAUTIFUL SCENERY SOOOO MUCH...THAT VALLEY AREA WAS ONCE THE 7TH MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES IN USA!  Now you know why I call this place a desert ;))   Gotta  luv it here tho! Gotta get back to homeschooling too; have a blessed day.


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Re: Intro from another newbie here in Texas...
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2006, 10:30:15 PM »

Hi Susan,

Wow your introduction turned into a great thread  :)
I'm glad that you are going to be here with us at the forum.
This has become a place that I turn to everyday for fellowship,
and to learn from what other brothers and sisters share.
We love the questions, it always leads to some really great insights.

It is interesting to see where some of you are from,
I'm on the gulf coast in Mississippi.
Yes right where hurricane Katrina came through.
But we were very blessed as God has us living inland a bit and was out of harms way,
for the most part.

I see by your last post that you homeschool, I homeschooled my 3 girls, the last one went to high school, where she is a junior now and doing very well  :)

It is a joy to find another sister to share the Truth with  8)

mercy, peace, and love

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