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Author Topic: New job needed  (Read 7598 times)

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New job needed
« on: December 08, 2006, 04:42:26 PM »

For the past 10 years I have been working full-time at a church, but now I feel it is time for a change.

I've been looking for a new job on, and I've also looked into other possibilities as a source of income. I am asking that you take a moment for pray that God will show me the way to go. I know He'll open the right doors; I just need to know which one to walk through.

The people I work with are wonderful, and it's the best atmosphere I've ever been in professionally. Also, the way I got this job was nothing short of a miracle at a time when I desperately needed it.

But since God has been opening my eyes to His truths, I feel like I'm working for "the enemy." There are also reasons of practicality that are necessitating a change.



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Re: New job needed
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2006, 06:23:12 PM »

I will pray with you, Sandy.
I have had to go thru many doors; some doors have already been open when the last one closed and I have been stuck between closed doors on both sides.


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Re: New job needed
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 11:30:14 PM »

Sandy I will keep you in prayer along w/ my son in the Tampa area.  He needs a job too.

I was at a friends last nite, she was let go at her job due to "budget constraints".  She can't find a job and is about to lose her house.  She is trying to trust the Lord but gets panicky and then the dreaded "Why me?" pops up.

I bet a lot more need prayers for job situations.



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Re: New job needed
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2006, 03:05:07 AM »

I know that feeling Patrick >:(

Psalm 139 : 5 you have beset me and shut me in - behind and before, and You have laid Your hand upon me. :D

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: New job needed
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2006, 03:13:17 AM »

 Hello  Sandy

I think it is wonderful that you have been given the desire to leave behind your present situation and occupation in the Church. As you have shown us your hearts desire, I believe God has brought this about in you and He will cause all the circumstances for you that will lie ahead of you regarding your career because your occupation now lies with God ...(you are occupied with God :D )where ever you are!

I hope for a swift and easy transition out of your current situation. His will be done for you as He knows you and loves you best.

Peace to you

Arcturus  :)


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Re: New job needed
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2006, 03:33:30 AM »

Hello Gena

 I can not but help feel the pain of uncertainty, the fear of loss and the hope to remain steadfast coming against your friend. I believe this is why you are in her life to share with her and encourage her through and in this very difficult trial.

I have seen this happen to someone myself where they were in much the same situation. God waited until the very last nana-second until He released favour into their lives. For us on the outside who I believe God sends to be supportive and understanding, we are not given the time table or the agenda that is in God's plan for our friends or loved one's. In this we too get the heat and it also calls us into the furnace sometimes where God works on us to believe, trust and submit to hoping in Him alone where we do not understand or comprehend what He is doing and why He is doing it. 

 Many years ago went through a similar crisis as your friend. I experienced terrifying emotions that were like an oncoming tsunami. Nothing averted it except God who moved through unbelievable circumstances…all of His doing…to salvage my then hopeless situation. Sometimes I truly believe, God puts us into a circumstance that to our carnal mind and weak spirit, we would swear is hopeless…that we fall prey to thinking is our fault or someone else’s fault…..just to show that these errors of self blame or projected blame on others are still in us…Then God does His work to show  that HE is not without power or wisdom or goodness or love for us. It is a terrifying experience but one that is worthwhile after God comes through for us in His inimitable style and Sovereignty. 

Am feeling for you and your friend. I am sure she is grateful for you in this time………….You are both in my heart and thoughts and I know you are in Gods plan. He is up to something!……Our trials are His speciality….His Love our Guarantee…..I know you will be the best friend you can be….

Peace to you



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Re: New job needed
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2006, 10:41:20 AM »


 Dear sister and friend prayer going up. I am in a similar situation and things did not go the way I thought they should go. I have enough time in at my job(32 years) and I could retire but I love all that I work with and there have been a few that just surprised me and it hurts very badly. As you and many others here know, I was up for a promotion and that dream of having that position was just that, A DREAM.

 I am sure God knows what is best for me and I would have loved to have that position and the many , many friends I have at work wanted me to have that job also. It broke my heart when 3 people I thought I knew just put a knife in my back and I did not even expect it. These were people I worked with on a daily basis in my department for many years and it was a total surprise when all this happened and I was at a very low point at that time. It is not totally over yet but I will know this coming thursday (12/14/2006). I appealed the test and even have contacted an attorney because after veiwing the test results it was apparent that it was not done fairly.

 The problem I am having is knowing what God's will is and i so much want to know and understand it all.

 Sandy sorry for the lengthy response and I thank you for starting this thread because I can see that i am not alone in the present situation I am in and by the other responses I can see that others are too.

Love to you my friend and love to you all,



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Re: New job needed
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2006, 12:11:51 PM »

Talk about knives in the back.  :o  I can share with you may recall that my career was pulled out from under me because of greed and foul play on the part of seemingly respectable persons.

I was under legal obligation to report the matter more than a month ago to the Governing Authorities who regulate my profession and have since heard nothing. So, after much effort, a follow up e-mail was written to give more evidence against this situation from happening again to other professionals in my field. I was ready to send this follow up correspondence and it simply vanished off the computer screen! There is NO trace of it :D!

I could have put my thoughts on powers and principalities and think in their direction or I could keep my armor on Eph 6 and believe in God but better still through the revelations in LOF I  have recently been given the comfort of knowing that Scripture in Eph 1 : 11 where it comforts me to see that God is operating ALL THINGS according to His plan and purpose!  So if it is not people who have knives it is the computer that blanks out on the effort spent to compile a really excellent follow-up that now has to be done over! doesn't have to be done again....but it is going to >:(

Sometimes we do not know what God is up to but knowing that He loves us and is working ALL things out for our good is a consolation through tough times.

The fact that you have gone to a lawyer Bobby for me shows you are not acting like a timid victim and there is nothing luke-warm about that. I know God will have us walk in His plan and purpose because He loves us even through knives in our backs from greedy people or from people we least expect and even through computer black outs ;D and much much more!

peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: New job needed
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2006, 02:16:12 AM »

Arcturus, thank you for your heart-felt words.  It funny that I thought I was just "dropping by" to see my friend. Thanks for reminding me to really be her friend right now.

You know, you really have a gift from the Lord Arcturus, your love for all of us comes thru in all your posts.  And you write with a poets heart!

(PS.  Patrick I thought you were on top the roof w/ Ray?)

Sandy, this has been a beautiful post, that I bet has blessed all the readers.  Hunting, Losing, Finding, Loving, Hating, Needing jobs touches us all at one time or another.



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Re: New job needed
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2006, 02:45:40 AM »


  You are in my prayers.  Keep up informed.




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Re: New job needed
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2006, 03:29:32 AM »

(PS. Patrick I thought you were on top the roof w/ Ray?)

Gena, that was just some :D humor I threw out regarding an e-mail that was sent to Ray stating he should stick to roofing.


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Re: New job needed
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2006, 06:09:56 PM »


I can understand what your friend is going through.

In my initial post, I said how my getting this job was a miracle - it was! I was "phased out" of my old job, which was a nightmare to begin with. The work situation was so bad that each day when I'd be going home, I felt like driving over an overpass in the hopes of ending my life! Every day I told God that I need a new job, and I truly believe if I hadn't gotten one, I'd either be dead, in prison, or an insane asylum today. My position was downsized and I was offered another one at the same place. Although I had a mortgage and no other job perspectives, I said no. God knew I'd rather live on the streets than continue working there. When I made my situation known to the people at my church, my pastor told me about this position, as he was friends with my current boss. I missed only 3 days of work in the transition.

A few months after I left my old job, I got an e-mail from a coworker who told me I was lucky to get out when I did because things had gotten even worse!

There's nothing like that going on at my current job. It's just that it's at a church, with no chance of promotion and no retirement benefits (I'm single, so what I make/get is all I'll have to live on).

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