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Author Topic: Hello Everyone!  (Read 6432 times)

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Hello Everyone!
« on: December 15, 2006, 03:47:05 PM »

Hi guys, my name is Diana and I've been studying Ray's site for almost a year now and following the forum for several months.  I have to say I have learned so much from all the frequent posters....thank you all for your contributions!  Quick history:  my background is in the SDA church (approx 7 years).  SDA's believe in the annihilation of the wicked and I decided a year ago to study this indepth in order to show other non-SDA christians I know that God will not burn anyone for eternity.  Well God had other things in store for me as He began to show me that not only will he not burn anyone for eternity but neither will he annihilate his precious children.  It all began with discovering that the word AION does not mean eternal.  Eventually I stumbled onto and from that point on the pieces started to fit together like never before and there was no turning back.  Probably the only thing that remained intact from my background in the SDA was that the dead sleep....everything else has been steadily turned upside down!  The most fascinating study I found to be Ray's papers on the beast is me!  Now it is so clear!  Also, the concept that God made man a marred vessel from the beginning and that Satan was not a high position angel that turned on God and became evil......mind blowing to say the least.  These things became clear to me very quickly.  However, I had the most struggle with the topic of "free will".  It took a while for God to burn that one out of me ;D.  I am learning and absorbing new things all the time and it is exciting yet scary to see that I really don't know anything and have only touched the very tip of the iceberg.  I look forward to more learning and fellowship.  Thanks guys, peace, Diana


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 04:04:28 PM »

Hi Diana,

Welcome to the forum.  The journey we all seem to go through before being blessed with "spiritual sight" is remarkably similar.  In my quest for truth, I did some research on the SD's.  Thankfully, the Lord did not allow me to go that route.  I had already been a baptist and a Jehovah's Witness.  I guess that was enough blindness for anyone ;D.

Once again, welcome, and I look forward to reading your posts on the forum.



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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 04:39:14 PM »

Hi Diana,

I too found or was lead to Ray's site about a year ago, and many others say it was about a year ago for them too, interesting.
I am still being purged of false beliefs that were deeply ingrained into my understanding.
But I am sure God will continue His loving chastening, until I am rid of all the old self  :P

I am glad that you have come to the forum.
I hope you will ask questions and share with us soon.
It is a joy to welcome yet another sister  :)

mercy, peace, and love


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2006, 04:50:37 PM »

Welcome to the forum Diana

I was led to Ray's site about four months ago, and when i found out everyone would be saved it

was the most wonderful news. I have been reading and studing ever since.

As I go through the LOF papers for the second time I'm seeing things that I missed the first

time. I too have learned a lot from all the posters here on the forum. There have been so

many great threads that have helped me to see things clearer.



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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2006, 04:52:25 PM »

Welcome Diana...yep, very similar.  What fun it was to find out my beliefs were a lie!!!  All my beliefs were the opposite!!  I didn't know doodly.  When I found out the beast was....ME  I cried & laughed & whooped & hollared.  I KNEW it was the truth!  Like you the Free Will didn't come as easily.  I didn't whoop as much :-[

Anyway, looking forward to fellowshipping with you.


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2006, 05:45:37 PM »

Welcome Diana,

  Yep, I was in your shoes about a few monthes ago.  I heard about Ray from Susan this past June or was it July?  It was a breath of fresh air compared to the dearth that I was getting from "church".

  Look forward to getting to know you.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2006, 10:09:31 AM »

Hi Diana,

Welcome to the Forum. I also have a bit of a background with the SDA's but it was a long time ago and relatively brief. Ellen G. White's teachings really began to be a big problem with me, and at the time I was convinced it was me, that I was just too worldly and decadent to embrace her doctrines. I least I got the worldly and decadent part right.  :D

His Love and Peace to you,



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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2006, 12:52:28 PM »

Hello Diana

I agree with you that the teaching on this site is "mind blowing!" That is precisely what we all have in common here and also we all needed, to get the teachings of Mystery Babylon that become instilled into our understanding, out of the way, overturned and deleted in place of the truth that is not welcome in the world and the Church but is welcome here in the Forum.

It is wonderful that this process of transition in understanding and acceptance is happening swiftly for you.  It is a blessing that you have been brought to our fellowship to be in unison with others who agree with the teachings revealed through Ray our teacher and who appreciate and feel the privilege of the disclosures in mysteries that God is offering us as food for our souls. I think God gave Ray the correct name, Ray :D because through him Gods ray of light is showing us how to think, how to believe and how to walk in submission to Gods sovereignty.


Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2006, 01:11:14 PM »

Arcturus, I just love reading your posts.

You have a wonderful way with words :o

The "ray of light" was good.  ;D



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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2006, 02:06:07 PM »

Hi Dianna,
Welcome, I too was led to Ray's site (by my hubby) about a year ago. When he said to me there was no hell,  I laughed, for a split second!! Because the HS in my knew there was no hell.

I love this site!
God Bless it and everyone in here.       (showing my Britishness here, that sounded like i was launching a ship!!)  :) :)

Walk in the Spirit


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2006, 02:27:14 PM »

Hello Iris

I am grateful that my computer has a spell check! ;D

Peace and love to you my sister.

Arcturus :)


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2006, 03:32:21 PM »

Good morning and thank you everyone for the warm welcome.  It is great to know there are others out there who've walked similar paths.  Most if not all of my life I've been a loner.  I've always felt different and outside of the "norm".  Though I have wonderful friends and family there are precious few I feel close to.  Even in my time at the SDA church I was never really a serious church goer and always spent much of my time alone in my studies.  So for me it was not hard coming out of the church, since unlike in some people's experience church was not an environment where I created close ties with anyone.  (I do have a close friend who brought me to Christ and she grew up in the SDA church but she understands that God's truth is not limited by a church or denomination and she embraces universalism and that there is no free will...) So physically not going to church was not a problem; the struggle has been "seeing" the false doctrines and leaving them behind. 

Joe, I understand what you mean about Ellen White.  She is a beautiful writer and made Christ seem more alive when I read her writings as a new baby christian, but I also always had questions that I was afraid to ask in the beginning not knowing any better.  God has had a purpose for everything in my life and  I am so grateful and respectful of the part the church and Ellen Whites's writings played in my walk.  As I'm understanding it we all had to go into a church system to then be called out of it and so I praise God for that!  Never before have the words "the truth shall set you free"  meant so much to me.  :)  It shakes your world in the beginning to realize everything you thought was truth was a lie but I quickly realized that the road ahead is far more exciting and I can rest in the knowledge that Jesus truly is directing my steps.  I've always known that I cannot do anything right(eous) and this use to frustrate me because I just didn't get what was "our work" and what was God's work, but now I understand it's all part of going through the process and there is no way around that. 

So thank you to all, peace, Diana

(Arcturus, I agree wholeheartedly with Iris...your posts are truly beautiful!)


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Re: Hello Everyone!
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2006, 05:23:23 PM »

Peace to you my sister skyderamer.

 I also like your profile picture!

Arcturus  :)
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