Good morning and thank you everyone for the warm welcome. It is great to know there are others out there who've walked similar paths. Most if not all of my life I've been a loner. I've always felt different and outside of the "norm". Though I have wonderful friends and family there are precious few I feel close to. Even in my time at the SDA church I was never really a serious church goer and always spent much of my time alone in my studies. So for me it was not hard coming out of the church, since unlike in some people's experience church was not an environment where I created close ties with anyone. (I do have a close friend who brought me to Christ and she grew up in the SDA church but she understands that God's truth is not limited by a church or denomination and she embraces universalism and that there is no free will...) So physically not going to church was not a problem; the struggle has been "seeing" the false doctrines and leaving them behind.
Joe, I understand what you mean about Ellen White. She is a beautiful writer and made Christ seem more alive when I read her writings as a new baby christian, but I also always had questions that I was afraid to ask in the beginning not knowing any better. God has had a purpose for everything in my life and I am so grateful and respectful of the part the church and Ellen Whites's writings played in my walk. As I'm understanding it we all had to go into a church system to then be called out of it and so I praise God for that! Never before have the words "the truth shall set you free" meant so much to me.
It shakes your world in the beginning to realize everything you thought was truth was a lie but I quickly realized that the road ahead is far more exciting and I can rest in the knowledge that Jesus truly is directing my steps. I've always known that
I cannot do anything right(eous) and this use to frustrate me because I just didn't get what was "our work" and what was God's work, but now I understand it's all part of going through the process and there is no way around that.
So thank you to all, peace, Diana
(Arcturus, I agree wholeheartedly with Iris...your posts are truly beautiful!)