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Author Topic: Thoughts from the heart  (Read 5314 times)

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Thoughts from the heart
« on: December 26, 2006, 11:56:21 PM »

This has been weighing on my mind a lot lately, for what does creation as we understand it really mean?

Let's start at the Universe as we know it, for surely God created it and simply everthing in it. The millions and perhaps bilions of galaxies that contain an immeasurable number of stars, planets and moons. But let's narrow the scope down a little and focus on our Earth. A question must be asked and answered before I continue. For whom did he create the Earth?  He created it for us, no question about it. The Earth is for us.

Gen 1:26-28
  • 26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
  • 27 - So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
  • 28  - And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

But God gave us far more than a bunch of animals and fish. We must never forget that he gave us our senses; most of us can see, hear, smell, taste, touch, hearts to feel and a brain to discern. Sadly, I think these awesome gifts are often lost as such and viewed as nothing but necessities in order to get us by. But what does seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and thinking really allow us to do?

Well those of us who can see are able to gaze into a star filled night. We can see beauty in all of creation, from majestic mountain ranges, gorgeous valley's, forests, storm clouds, rolling hills, etc. Animals, fish oand plants of all shapes, sizes and colors. We can even see inside a seemingly invisible living cell and marvel at the complexity but magnificent design complete with its own DNA string and components that allow it to split and mulitply, on and on and on. Sounds abound everywhere, from the sounds of children at play, laughter, crashing thunder, birds singing, etc. We are given the same amount of aromas, like flowers, fresh brewed coffee :) hot bread, freshly cut hay and turned over soil.

The list is of course endless, because each of us has the special sight, sound, taste that triggers emotions that thrill our very being.  Why did God go to all this trouble? Surely we do not need an appreciation for our senses in order to exist. Who needs a myriad of colors, sights, sounds, etc? What benefit are they to us?

Rom 1:20
  • For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
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This is in my mind one of the most inspiring verses in the entire Scriptures. So what benefit are our senses? The answer is clear. So that from creation, including the sights, sounds, tastes, feelings, thoughts that we know God and all of his qualities. Through his creation we can see him clearly and we are without excuse.

But what is it we see. Is it an all powerful God, a God that cares little for our physical being; who instead indifferently awaits our spiritual calling.

So why did God put Roses, butterflies, spots on leopards, dew on leaves and a twinkle in an eye and a warm smile that gives us goose bumps when ever we see it? Because he loves us! He loves us so much that he has given us all the tools to fully enjoy our life here on Earth, even those who do not believe can enjoy the added extras of creation. He does not want us to merely exist, but to be exicted every single day, knowing that he is God and he did all of this for us.

We know he loves us for he is love. He is the Apha and the Omega and all things exist in him. He made it all so that we can know him for who he truly is; he made it so clearly that men are without excuse for not seeing the love of our God and not loving others the same.

1 John 4:8
  • He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
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I sometimes feel that God's real message for us is lost in theological debate. I believe the baseline has been set and that brother Ray understands it fully. Scripture must align with the qualities of God that are seen in creation. Why would a God who gives us everything, would burn unbelievers in hell forever?

Well sorry for rambling, but I wanted to share this and see what you all think.

Love in Christ,



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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2006, 01:39:53 AM »


  What an AWESOME and ENCOURAGING post this is.  I absoutely loved it.

  Music is an awesome thing.  I seem to be immersed in the soul of God when I hear soulful music or play in the Spirit.  To see God and to hear his love in that way is so great.  Mathematics is also a beautiful thing.  I am a mathematics major at Texas Tech and will continue when I go back to school.  I am puzzled how matematicians can not see God in the very abstract theories that they are coming up.  The most beautiful proofs or problems in mathematics are so complex and yet so simplistic.  The proof that 1 + 1 = 2 is only 4-6 lines long.  I have it in my files and I pull it out everynow to see that behind the simple is such intelligence and design. 
  I wanted to share this with you all.  It is kind of long so please be patient.  Several portions not essential the general message is deleted.  This can in essence be a summary of things learned and the journey that is going ever on and on.

  The Day of Preparation

  It is a nice day left over from fall.  There is a nice breeze that reminds of nostalgic days of my childhood. 

  I am nervous but yet so excited.  Here lies my "Golden Path". 

  It seems as if Time is standing still.  I seal my destiny tomorrow.  I am unafraid.  The last few monthes have passed.  I am not the same person who welcomed in the New Year.  All is quiet within and outside.  Time again stands still.  The future seems to meld into now along with the past.  It seems I can look beyond time which has ceased to exist.  There is ONE path.  The path that I have sought for all my life.  I am growing by stages quieter in my outer and inner lives.  I am being conditioned for something.

  Tomorrow is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.  There has been much sacrifice to this point of my journey and there will be so much more.  Tonight is the final chapter before Chapter 5 opens up. [ Note:  I will post a topic to explain this]  The past will never be forgotten and the future will ever remain.  And I run with enthusiasim the race set before me.  I run toward my Final Destination.  I am NOT afraid.  I welcome it even though I know at times I will doubt and grow fearful.

  "Fear is the mind killer.  It is the little death that brings total obliteration.  I will face my fear.  I will allow it to come over me and when it passes, only I will remain."

  Quiet and solitude are so comforting now, but I will one day long for the companionship for others of like mind.  What will follow from this point on?

  The sun sinks in the west and yet the day goes on.  The cycles which strive to imprison us by setting up limits which are not really there.

  How far it goes.  How far it extends.  Am I to become a part of it?  What is life?  It is life within life within life.  How amazing and small I am.  A speck in the scheme of Everything and yet how large a light that will be revealed.

  History is mankinds failures, nothing more or less.  History becomes in God's hands a Triumph.  The Ages call and seem to converse.  Time stands still.  I am outside of time and the limits for now, and what a blessedness.  This, this, is peace.

  "Through Him, With Him, In Him."  What things will stand to be accomplished?  What will be done?  The armor and the walls are down.  There are NO restrictions and NO more boundaries.

  There is beauty everywhere.  There is grace in all places.  All is nothing and nothing is all.  God's greater blessings in my life are no longer denied. 

  The shadows grow longer and the wind picks up speed.  Yet time stand still.  "Music beings as a single note and becomes a magnus opus.  So too, I wish my life to be, nothing more or less."  How far does that reach?  What is this awareness that is growing inside of me?  The Guard is changing.  Who will take my place on that day when I must pass the torch on to others?

  The air grows colder and the Canadian geese are hear which makes one smile at the thoughts of home.  Sunset is almost upon us.  Here one is so free and contenet.  How I wish life would be.

  Yet growing static would be death.  Death is growing static.  Time is beginning to move on.  For this time I am truly thankful.  Rest must come and be taken. 

  Je Sus Prest.

  Anne C. McGuire
  November 22, 2003

  Thanks Darren for posting your post.  It was a great "Take time and smell the roses" thing.  It slowed me down and made me relish in the awesomness of God.  God bless you and yours.


  Anne C. McGuire



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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2006, 05:10:29 AM »


I think what you have shared is beautiful.... God has given us so much. I will meditate, tonight, on the scripture you have posted.

Anne, The day of preparation is beautiful as well. Thank you both for sharing, warmed my heart and put a smile on my face.

God bless you,



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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2006, 12:55:15 PM »

Hi Darren,

What a wonderful loving God to give us all these things for our enjoyment.

That's a great post Darren!!! 



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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2006, 10:32:13 AM »

Thanks for your kind words my friends. :)

We certainly have so much to be thankful for. Anne, your "The Day of Preparation" is awesome.

We must never forget what HE has done / given us and what we are here to do.

We are to:  Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. - Pro 3:5

How can anyone ever doubt that HE :) has our best interests at heart. [li]Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father; [/li]- 1Th 1:3

Love in Christ,


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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2006, 11:41:13 AM »

Darren dear brother,

 Thank you for the post and tis true. Love is what it is all about. Thanks be to the Father that one day all things will be reconciled and it will be fantastic to never ever be this person I am any longer but to be complete in Him and to be the finished product of His creation for me and for the WHOLE world.



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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2006, 05:25:14 PM »

I know how you feel Yellowstone and am frequently reminded of the wonder of God in the most mundane stuff. Sometimes it is just the wonder of eating a simple meal. Sometimes just looking at a perfect sky or sunset. Othertimes it can be admiring the female form and thinking that God is one hell of a good designer. I mean 2 of this and one of that put one here and the others over there and voila. I mean his creations are all so awesome. Somtimes I feel like I am his biggest fan til I read sweet things like yours and I know I am not alone. Ours is a celebration of thanks for our earthly life and our spiritual life is linked to our bodies but not controlled by our bodies.  I can't help but admire and praise the works of God. I imagine our next spiritual domain will have even more wonder to offer. What a wonderful world we live in. Praise God.


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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2006, 03:51:30 PM »

Darren dear brother,

Thank you for the post and tis true. Love is what it is all about. Thanks be to the Father that one day all things will be reconciled and it will be fantastic to never ever be this person I am any longer but to be complete in Him and to be the finished product of His creation for me and for the WHOLE world.



When I read your quote here, I chuckled and yet it was sad at the same time.  It sounded funny to hear someone so despise themselves and to wish the end of themselves.   However, it was sad because I know exactly what you mean.  When character flaws that you know you have and can't shake seem to hang around forever, the sense of desperation can be overwhelming.

About 6-7 years ago, I was having difficulty holding down a job and I didn't have "things together" to be successful in the business world nor really in my personal life, either.  Yet, my dad, a free will believing Christian was trying to impress on me that I really had to try to make things work.  I had to give it my all.  But the fact was, I was giving my all.  I was just failing.  But, to be blaming me for my failure as though I was the master of my destiny was too much to bear. The "it's all up to me, and no one can help you" mindset was overpowering me and made me feel destitute and weak.  However, I was galvanized by this interaction to succeed.  Not because I wanted to show him up, but that I never wanted to hear him say these words to me again.  I became persuaded that I hated what he was saying and wanted to not give him the opportunity to do it again.  I felt like I reached down into my innermost being to fight the evil words he was saying to me.  It's up to you.  Get a job, etc. etc.   

The worst part is I know my dad loves me and wanted me to succeed. Ironically, he succeeded in helping me though his method was extremely evil. 

Proverbs says that the end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing.  So, if God said His creation was very good when He created it.  How much more when the creation has run it's course. 

Best wishes,
Shakespeare-There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


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Re: Thoughts from the heart
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2006, 04:48:43 PM »

This is a great thread, and I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts.

I can't help but think of how wonderful it is to hear. I love music and enjoy playing many instruments and singing. There is one CD that I enjoy listening to when I'm meditating on God and His Word. It is instrumental music with a flowing water stream in the background. Combining nature sounds with music, to me, is the perfect marriage of sounds that God created for us to enjoy. There's just something about a bubbling brook or a waterfall that is so relaxing--mentally, physically and spiritually. I have a "Soothing Sounds" clock that I turn on at night to help me fall asleep. There are 4 different settings for sounds, but the one I always choose is the water. :)

I've also been trying to remind myself to appreciate the details of eating -- the aromas, textures and flavors of various foods. What a variety our God has created for us to enjoy! So now, instead of mindlessly shoveling it in, try to slow down and savor all the nuances of each bite.

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