Hi Anne (thank you for the prayer request) and Bobby and Chuck, (and all whom read and didn't post a prayer...)
I want to say a great big thanks for your immediate prayers. I was only sick for about 36 hours, but, my goodness...MY RIBS WERE SO SORE FROM (... WELL (GROSS),YOU KNOW), but I am better today, just a bit weak. True, I could barely get out of bed for a whole day and I didn't eat for more than a whole day, (no loss there, I needed that...) God works all together for His good!) I just Thank Goodness that this wasn't worse b/c it sure could have been. And my little man...he was amazingingly helpful in aiding me. He made his own meals and drinks and he made me soup (which I couldn't touch) and ice and sprite; plus he did his homework and kept himself so good while daddy was at work! When I awoke, he had a BIG teddy bear lying next to my pillow
God blessed me with a little sweertheart and helper for sure!
ALOT of people all around the country are suffering with this stomache and intestinal virus. (They can send men to the moon, but, the can't cure the common virus...? Go figure...no...This is just all in Gods' will I am sure.) Anyhooty, I am back on the forum and have been reading some of the posts today...quite interesting and quite sad too.
I love all of you