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Author Topic: Another article  (Read 6136 times)

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Another article
« on: April 05, 2006, 02:31:07 AM »

Well im just curious as to what you people would tell someone who said this, or wrote this.

How would you respond to there article?


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Another article
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 03:21:30 AM »

I would say he condemn himself by his own words. By simply saying that the 2nd and 3rd century Christians have a lesser understanding of the Word then we do today.


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Another article
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2006, 03:35:53 AM »

Pharisees want the scriptures to be literal because that is all that carnal minds can see.

John 2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body.

Look at this passage below.  Paul is contending with Galations who want to put men back into bondage under the law.  Notice that Paul tells them that they SHOULD hear the law.

Galations 4:21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?

Here is the law Paul expected them to already hear.

Galations 4:22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he [who was] of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman [was] by promise.

Now if we take a literal interpretation of that passage it says absolutely NOTHING to us.  But what does Paul say?

Galations 4:24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

Paul says that these law scriptures ARE an allegory.  They did not BECOME an allegory because Paul gave them an allegorical interpretation. They ALREADY WERE an allegory.  They had to be because Paul expected the Galations to have understood the allegory.


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Another article
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2006, 08:47:49 AM »


i would know that it is God who has thus person/s closed eyed, and know that it is only God who can bring this person/s to understanding and open their eyes.  And go about my studies and enlightenment.



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Another article
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2006, 01:28:37 PM »

Hmm interesting, that was exactly what i was looking for.
Scriptural proof showing that the bible is more then just what is read at face value -- Meaning it has a deeper meaning.

Any other scriptures that would show the bible is more then just literal but Spiritual -- Didn't Jesus say some stuff also? What about the old testoment?


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Another article
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2006, 11:22:36 PM »

Quote from: lilitalienboi16
Hmm interesting, that was exactly what i was looking for.  Scriptural proof showing that the bible is more then just what is read at face value -- Meaning it has a deeper meaning. Any other scriptures that would show the bible is more then just literal but Spiritual -- Didn't Jesus say some stuff also? What about the old testoment?

Consider this. Jesus Christ IS the Word of God made flesh.  Now HOW did Jesus go about teaching about  the kingdom of God to men?  Did Jesus speak literally or allegorically?  Not literally, Jesus taught using parables.

Matthew 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: 35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

And WHY did Jesus do that?  To make it easy to understand?  No!

Matthew 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Jesus spoke in parables becaue it was given for ONE group to understand and another group NOT to understand.

Now lets take a quote from the article and allow the article to be destroyed by Jesus own words.

The literal method on the whole does not support the Allegorical view practiced in the 2nd and 3rd century. Each verse does NOT have a literal historical meaning, and a secret meaning that only the super spiritual can understand. This leads to multiple interpretations where interpreters can't prove that their interpretation is correct. It also leads to a division amongst Christians by creating groups of haves and have-nots[/b].

So according to the article, the allegorical method is OUT because it creates "HAVES and HAVE NOTS".  But what does Jesus say about  the haves and have nots...

Matthew 12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. 13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Jesus spoke in parables for the express purpose of creating HAVES and HAVE NOTS!  So much for the literal method.

Jesus is the Word of God and the Word of God spoke NON-literally for the express purpose of KEEPING many from understanding.  Now do you think the written Word of God would be any different?  Would it be literal so that the carnal mind of man could comprehend it?  Or would it be allegorical so that only those to whom the Father reveals could understand it?


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Another article
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2006, 11:41:46 PM »

Thank you so much BObf, what you said made perfect sence, thanks for removing what little doubt that article might have created in my mind :)

God bless!

P.S. I'm not on a journey for Stuff... im trying to attain spiritual maturity, but i know carnaly im too imature, let alone ready to mature spiritualy lol. Im just to young ><

Waiting for God to choose the right time for me :)


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Another article
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2006, 11:48:06 PM »

Quote from: lilitalienboi16
Thank you so much BObf, what you said made perfect sence, thanks for removing what little doubt that article might have created in my mind :)

God bless!

P.S. I'm not on a journey for Stuff... im trying to attain spiritual maturity, but i know carnaly im too imature, let alone ready to mature spiritualy lol. Im just to young ><

Waiting for God to choose the right time for me :)

That's great lib16 at your age to be seeking spiritual matruity!  Same here and I'm..... well...... much older. ;)  God bless.


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Another article
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2006, 11:51:06 PM »

Quote from: bobf
Quote from: lilitalienboi16
Thank you so much BObf, what you said made perfect sence, thanks for removing what little doubt that article might have created in my mind :)

God bless!

P.S. I'm not on a journey for Stuff... im trying to attain spiritual maturity, but i know carnaly im too imature, let alone ready to mature spiritualy lol. Im just to young ><

Waiting for God to choose the right time for me :)

That's great lib16 at your age to be seeking spiritual matruity!  Same here and I'm..... well...... much older. ;)  God bless.

Hehe well thank you for the kind words, it means alot :")
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